Status: Finished

The Dark Prince and Me...Wait, That's Not Right

Torture...Not Really

My dream had been the same for the past four years, but on that night, my dream for the first had changed. It was no longer about Chelsea whipping me, or seeing my father die. No, it was about a bright place. White castles, and flying... angels. I was very little, and with my hands I tried to catch the flying angels around me. I felt happiness I had never felt before, and a warmth in my heart I had forgotten it exsisted.

"But earth is a dangerous place for an angel." said the sweetest voice, I had ever heard. Then a deep, but gentle voice answered the women.

"She will be needed on earth when she's 16, she must go Evelyn." said the man.

"I can't let her go Vince, she's our blood, our daughter." said Evelyn. All I could hear was voices, but no faces infront of me, except for the flying angels.

"We have to Evelyn, we have no choice." said Vince.


"Wake up Vina!" said Robin's voice, while he shook me. I snap my eyes open. and quickly forgot what my dream was about. I'm sure you all can relate to that, you have the best dream, but as soon as you wake up, you forget."Wake up, or you're gonna make me be late for school."

"Why does the nerd need to go to the library or something?" I said yawning. He gives me a glare."Fine I'm up." I threw the covers to the side, and noticed Robin had only slept with boxers on, and his hot bod was showing. Hiding the redness on my cheeks, I go to the bathroom, with a towel. With a towel wrapped around me, I go back into the room, and saw no one was there. I pick some clothes, pulled them on. Dried my hair, and put some make up on. I was ready at 7:50am, and school started at 8:30am.

"And you called me a nerd?" said Robin. I was looking in the mirror, and gave him a confused expression.

"What are you talking about?" I said.

"I saw the little trophy room of yours." said Robin. My expression didn't change.

"Oh..that...father was a bit proud of me." I said bored.

"A bit? It's like shrine." said Robin. I glare at him, man can we give glares or what?

"That was a long time ago." I said, picking my back pack from the bed, and passed Robin looking him in the eyes. In the kitchen, the usual people were in there. The Vampire servents, which now would't look me in the eyes. Guess they found out about the wedding, wonder how? Chelsea made sure people wouldn't know. I put the thought to the back of my head, and served mysels some cereal.

"Vina." said Chelsea from the door."What are you doing in the kitchen?"

"Eating?" I said.

"You don't eat in the kitchen anymore, you eat at the table now." said Chelsea.

"Wow, first my room back, and now I get to eat at my table again." I said saracatically taking my plate, and went through the door where Chelsea was and saw Robin, Pamela and Jessica.

"Why does she get special treatment?" said Jessica.

"Because Jessica, I'm going to be Royalty, which means, I'm gonna be your Princess, so you better show more respect towards me and my friends." I said with a smirk on my face. She scoffs and looks at her mother, who nods in agreement with me.

"This is so not fair, she's a freakin' mortal." said Jessica.

"Not for long." said Robin.

"What do you mean, not for long,?" I said.

"Didn't they tell you, when a mortal marries a Vampire he or she must be 'turned'." said Pamela. My smirk went away, I had forgotten about that rule. shit. I didn't want to live forever. "Guess not."

"She doesn't have to worry about that..yet..come on you guys, you have to go school, and Robin and Vina have to go to the Underworld to pick the cake." said Chelsea.

"Whoa, nobody said about going to the Underworld." I said.

"Where do you think the wedding was going to be? Here on earth?" said Chelsea.

"Look, I've never gone to the Underworld." I said.

"Don't worry, nobody is going to bite you, the Lord has made it clear to everyone." said Chelsea.

"Still." I said. After we were done, I heard a honk outside. It meant it was Manuel."Gotta go, thats Manny."

"Whoa, forget something?" said Chelsea.

"Uh.. nope." I said and ran to the door.But Chelsea sort of teleports infront of the door with her hands on he hips. I sigh."Robby, dear, do you want a ride?" I said in a fake sweet voice.

"Sure." was all he said and got his stuff and Chelsea moved out of the way. Robin followed.

"Morning Manny." I said with a smile.

"Buenos dias. Que hace el pretty boy aqui?" asked Manuel.(good morning, whats pretty boy doing here?)

"Se amable, okay necesita un raite." I said.(Be nice okay, he needs a ride.)

"Solo por ti." he said.(Just because of you.) Robin, with an angry look gets in the car and I sit on the front. The whole ride was in silence. Soon we got to the school. it was already full of teenagers and scared freshmen.

"Ah, the scared Freshmen, seemed only yesterday that was me." I said as I got out the car. "Welcome to St Joseph High, Robby."

"I told you not to call me that." hissed Robin, boy how did he get so moody? I roll my eyes.

"Barbie's spot is by the fountain, so you and your..kind, can hang out." I said and started to walk away from him. But he grabs my arm and spins me a 180 to face him.

"Look let's get things straight, I'm not a pretty boy, I loathe girly girls." said Robin with a serious face. He wasn't kidding. I was in a good moon that morning.

"Fine, I won't torture you any longer, you can hang with us, for today." I said. He let's go and I rubb my arm."You should really watch your strength there, you might leave me a bruise, and you don't want a brusied bride."

"Still can't figure you out." said Robin.

"Dude, nothing to figure out, my life has been like Cinderalla, except theres no Prince Charming to save me from my wicked future." I said.

"So, you don't believe there is true love?" said Robin.

"Love, is complicated and over rated, the only true love is between families, other than that, love is a disease that slowly kills you over the years." I said.

"Wow you're pretty cynical." said Robin, chaning moods... again.

"Are you bipolar or something? When we got in the car you were all mad and now you're happy." I said.

"I guess, it's your presence." said Robin. We looked into each other's eyes.

"V!" said melissa. we broke the gaze and blushed a little. Around robin, I felt weird, I knew it wasn't love, my heart was protected too hard to fall in love.

"Mel." I said, we did our little hand shake. "Oh Intro, Robin this is my friend Melissa...
*cough*mortal*cough.." I said, Melissa has a confused look, but then gives up on trying to figure me out.

"Nice to meet friends from my girlfriend." said Robin with a smirk. My eyes widen.

"Boyfriend? I thought you said he was your friend." said melissa.

"He is, he just jokes like that right, Robby?" I said. I jab him on the stomach with a fake smile. "Right, Robin, you were just joking."

He looks at me with an evil smile.

"Of course, I was joking." he said still looking at me, and then he looks at Melissa who had a confused look.

"Ooookay, we should get to class, the bell rings in 5 min, oh Robin, the office is that way, they'll give you your schedule there." said Melissa. She starts to walk, and before I left with her I said.

"Bye honey, don't get lost." and winked. Then once again he spins me.

"Oh no sweetheart you're coming with me." said Robin pulling me away from Melissa.

"No uh, I'm gonna be late if I don't go." I said trying to free myself from the grip.

"I'm sure they can give you a pass or something. I'm very persuasive you know." said Robin.

"I'm telling you, you're so conceited." I said as he pulled me.

"So, your friend is cute." said Robin.

"Are you trying to get me jealous, Robby?" I said.

"Is it working?"

"mmm..nope." I said.

"Oh well, but let's make a deal first, you stop calling me Robby and I won't tell any of your friends you're getting married, and are going to be living in the Underworld." said Robin with an evil grin, must get it from his father.

" You wouldn't." I gasped stopping in my tracks. He was a little ahead of me and he stops and turns so his face his inches from mine.

"Try me." He said. We glare at each other.

"Fine, Robin." I said and walked infront of him. We got the schedule and surprisingly(sp?) we had all the same classes together, even spanish class. The first class was English 5-6 with Mr Watts."All classes together, please tell me it wasn't your father who did this."

"Looks like it." said Robin.

"It's enough torture I have to marry you, but to have to stand you everyday in class, for the remainder of my freedom, is just plain cruel and unjust." I whined.

"You think it's torture to marry me?" said Robin a little offended.

"Don't you think this marriage is unjust?, I mean I'm nothing special, what do I have to offer?" I said.

"That makes sense, you are nothing special." said Robin in thinking mode.

"Wow, I feel much better thanks." I said sarcatically. Soon we reached the first class. I open the door, and all eyes fall on us. Don't you hate the look you get when you come back from the bathroom, in the middle of the class, it's like you're gonna bring good news or something. I walk to the teacher, and hand him my pass, and take the seat next to Manny.

"Hey." he said.

"Hey." I said taking out my binder.

"Class, I want to introduce our new classmate, Robin Powers." said Mr. Watts. I supress, a laugh, that wanted to come out. Was Powers the best last name they could come up with? I thought to myself.

"Hey Robin." said tired voices around the class.

"You make take the empty seat next to ms. Nightly.(Vina)." said Mr Watts.

Figures. I thought as Robin sat next to me. Some girls in class started to whisper and giggle. Manny throws a note on my desk and I open it.

Hey, guess we know who the new Homecoming King is huh?
Speaking about the homecoming dance are you going?

Maybe who knows..why?

Well if you go, would you go with... me? That took my by suprise. I look over to Manny who's pretending to take notes. and I smile and write back

I'd like that. =P