Beyond the World

Practice Makes Perfect Sense To Me

It’s been a really long night; it must be at least 2AM already. But the dance is over now, so we gotta get out. I’m heading straight home, I need to listen to more music. Tonight was really fun though- meeting Jake was awesome, and he is amazing. I got his number and he said he’d text me soon. I really can’t wait to hear from him. There’s just something about him that makes my heart beat faster... I just can’t tell what it is though.

I get home, head to my room, shut the door and turn on the computer. Of course. What else do I ever do?

I’m online, listening to music and all that other shit, and then I get an IM from Jake! Holy crap, I’m freaking out right now.

Jake: Hey Sky! Holy crap, you’re the only other person I know that’s on this late.

Me: Haha, I’m ALWAYS on this late. It just works that way :)

Jake: So do you wanna hang out tomorrow? We could meet by the city park.

Me: Sure! I’d love to hang out. Meet me at the city park at 10, k?

Jake: K! I gotta go now; my sis wants to get on. ttyl! <3

Me: G’night! <3

So, as you see, he put a fucking heart on his last IM. AHH! Ok, I’m acting like a fricken prep. Lets stop now with the prep talk.

Now that Jake is going to bed, I have no one to talk to. The rest of my friends are lame and don’t stay up until 3 in the morning like I do. Psh, what losers. Anyways, I think I’m gonna listen to music. After all, what else is there to do?

Uhm... Ok, I have to decide what I’m going to listen to. I look at the giant bookcase that I use for my CD’s; I swear to God I have at least 300. I quickly look through them, having memorized where most of the CD’s were. I went to the 2nd shelf from the bottom, and pulled out Metro Station’s debut album. Perfect, I don’t know why but this is exactly what I need.

I shove it in my stereo and jam out for a while; dancing and singing to “Shake It” like a fucking idiot. Also, I'm probably waking up half the neighborhood. But hell, I don’t care; I love this song and band WAY too much to give a damn.

God, I’m tired. I turn down the music, get in bed and wait for sleep to take over...
♠ ♠ ♠
suck-ish, filler-ish, short.
but too the point :P