Beyond the World

Me and You, Sitting In Our "Honeymoon"

When I wake up, it’s already 9. I get my ass outta bed in order to get ready. Shower, brush teeth, this, that, pie...

After I’m done getting ready, I look in the mirror. My red streaks still haven’t faded and I’m happy about that. I head down stairs to eat a piece a toast, and then I’m off to the park.

I see Jake there, sitting on a bench. I smile and wave, and he waves back. Damn, I can already tell today is going to be amazing.

When I arrive at the bench, he gets up to hug me, and I can feel myself blushing. We sit down and start to talk.

“So, Jake, I wanna know more about you. What’s you’re favorite band?” I start out the conversation casually, with regular talk for people like us.

He blushes, I have no idea why, but he does and quietly says, “Well, it’s kind of embarrassing, but my favorite band is The Academy Is...”

My mouth dropped open, and literally I feel like I’m going to faint. Jake looks at me funny and looks hurt, so I quickly get a grip and say, “Holy fucking shit, dude, TAI is my favorite band too! They rock SO hard!”

He puts on a smile (a smile to die for, might I add) and laughs. “They are amazing! What’s you’re favorite song by them?”

“Mine HAS to be either 40 Steps, Season, Everything We Had, or About a Girl! What’s yours?”

“Hmm... I’d have to say 40 Steps, Skeptics and True Believers, or Toasted Skin! When I first heard 40 Steps it made me cry.” He blushes as he realizes what he just said, and looks down.

“Don’t be embarrassed, I cry every single time I hear that song, I think I’m more paranoid than you!”

He starts cracking up and I join in, I’m having such a great time with Jake.

We talk some more, and then finally he looks at the time on his cell phone and says, “So, where do you wanna get lunch?”

“Uhm, well, I’m not sure. Where do you want to eat?”

“There’s this really good restaurant just a block up the road, it’s called Veggie’s Anonymous and it’s a vegetarian restaurant. I hope you don’t mind, I don’t eat meat.” He has a worried look on his face, hoping that I wouldn’t mind going to a vegetarian restaurant.

“Dude, I’m a vegetarian too! I can’t believe I’ve never been to this restaurant, let’s go, I’m starving!”

He laughs, grabs my hand and we walk, hand in hand, to Veggie’s Anonymous.
♠ ♠ ♠
wow, this has got to be the shortest chapter in the history of forever.
the cheesiest title chapter, too.
this story sucks bad, i can't believe anyone actually wants to read this.
this is alsolast prewritten chapter, i don't know when i'll be writing more, i'm SO behind though.
i'm afraid eventually i'll just have to be like EPIC FAIL.