Beyond the World

Take A Chance And Make It Big

We get to Veggie’s Anonymous and it actually looks pretty fancy, there’s a bunch of waiters and waitresses walking around to tables taking orders and other shit. I look at Jake, then at our outfits -me in green skinny jeans and a The Rocket Summer shirt, and him in black skinny jeans and a Bring Me The Horizon shirt- worried that maybe we’re not dressed up enough for this place.

Jake shakes his head, and then waves his hand to tell me to look at everyone else here.

I take a look and gasp, everyone else here reminds me of us. Even the waiters do, I didn’t even realize what they are wearing. They’re all in jeans or skirts with skulls and shit, with band shirts and other shirts from Hot Topic, Spencers, Zumiez, etc. People have sweet hair here; electric blue streaks, completely hot pink hair, purple on top of brown, it’s amazing. I can’t believe I’ve never been here before.

Jake laughs at my expression, and then calls over a pretty waitress wearing a Misfits shirt. She kindly greets Jake, “Hello, Jake! Table for two, I’m guessing? Is this your girlfriend?”

We both blush, and then Jake says, “Nah, Amy. Sky and I are just friends.”

“Well, hello there, Sky! It’s always nice to meet a new vegetarian.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Amy!”

Then she says to the both of us, “Alright, let’s get you guys a table for two.”

Amy leads us to a table in the back, and tells us that she’ll be back in 10min to get our orders. She puts down two menus, and then leaves us alone.

“So, Sky, erm, what do you want to order? It’s all on me.”

“No, Jake, I’ll pay, don’t worry about it.”

“Sky, I brought you here, and I will pay, I have nothing and no one else to spend my riches on anyways.”

We both laugh, and then we’re silent for a few minutes while we look at our menus.

Amy comes back, and Jake orders first. “I’ll just have water and the tofu and rice, please.”

She jots that down on her note pad, and then looks at me expectantly.

“I’ll also have water, and then I’ll take tofu and the veggie mix, please.”

Nodding, she writes it on her note pad and tells us our food will be ready in about 20min.

Jake is staring at me, and I blush and look away. He says, “Hey, Sky, uhm, I probably should’ve asked you this before I asked you to come with me today, but I didn’t think of it. You don’t have a… a boyfriend, do you?” He bites his lip and looks at me.

Trying to control my unsteady heart, I answer, “No, I don’t, I never have had one. No one’s ever really liked me.” I try to smile, signaling that that’s okay but I only can manage a slight unconvincing grin.

His face is unreadable, except… is that a hint of joy in hi eyes? Honestly, I hope it is.

Just then, Amy appears and gives us our water. We thank her and she says that the food will be here in about 5min, and if we need refills or anything after that that we should just wait for her to come back around.

I shuffle my hands, then say to Jake, “So, uhm, have you ever had a girlfriend?”

He looks at me awkwardly through the corner of his eyes. “No, I haven’t. But… right now there’s this one girl I really like. I don’t know if she even notices me though.”

I try not to look disappointed; I know he’s not talking about me. “Oh, man, I’m sorry, that must suck. What’s she like?”

“She’s the most beautiful girl in the whole world; her favorite band is the same as mine, and she has the prettiest red streaks in her hair. She’s a vegetarian and I just met her the other day. She has sparkly blue-green eyes, and I could talk to her for hours without getting bored.”

Then he gives me a long, long look. I feel like we’re sitting there for hours, just gazing into each other’s eyes; mine into his deep emerald color eyes, and his into my sparkly blue-green eyes. Slowly, in the back of my head, I hear he loves you, Sky, he loves you.

Silently, he grabs my hand, still looking into my eyes. Then, oh so slowly, he leans in and passionately kisses my lips, with me passionately kissing back.

After what seemed like only a heartbeat, we hear Amy talking to another waiter, and we know our food is coming. Reluctantly, he breaks away from the kiss, still gazing into my eyes.

Amy puts down the food and tells us to enjoy the meal. He looks down at his food, then back at me, and whispers, “Let’s eat.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Holy crap.
So maybe I won't have to say epic fail after all!
But I am a little dissapointed that I won't have to, I even made an icon for it!
I'll post it with my next chapter cuz it's not up on photobucket yet :]
Anyways I think this is my favorite chapter I've ever written for any story.
I freaking love it, and even if you guys don't I appreciate you reading it :P