Beyond the World

Something In The Way Things Work

Sky’s POV

Jake and I hang out for the rest of the day, then we kiss goodbye and he walks me home before leaving. I walk into my house, happily for once.

My parents aren’t home, what a surprise. If they found out I was out this late, they’d kick my ass.
But they’re never home, I basically live by myself, I can do whatever I want, they don’t care about me. They only come home when I’m at school, so they won’t see me. When they are home at night once in a blue moon, if I’ve been out late they’ll get really pissed off. Living by myself isn’t nearly as bad compared to living with them.

I head up to my room, the last room on the left side of the hallway. I walk in and a signed picture of The Academy Is hanging on my wall greets me. I sigh and go over and touch the picture, remembering the day I met TAI.

I go over to my shelf of CDs, take out Mayday Parade’s album, A Lesson In Romantics. I put the CD in my stereo, press play, and then flop down on my bed with the laptop.

I go online, trying to find something to occupy my time with.

Logging on, I check to see who’s on IM.

Of course, of all people who could be on, it’s my best friend Lacey. She didn’t go to the dance so she has no idea what happened…

An IM box pops up just then, and surprise, it’s Lacey.

Lacey: Dude, it’s been like 2 whole days since we talked, how was the dance?

Sky: Uhm, it was good, I met someone new there.

Lacey: OHHH! is she nice?

Sky: It’s a dude.

Lacey: God, even better! Hot or not?

Sky: Lol, he’s gorgeous.

Lacey: Think I got any chance with him?

Sky: You loser, your already dating Alex!

Lacey: Hey, you can’t blame me for trying. If he’s hotter than Alex, he’s mine!

Sky: You know you love Alex and you wouldn’t give him up for the whole mother fucking world, so don’t lol.

Lacey: Lol, I know, I was only kidding. So anyways, what’s the dudes name? Does he got a girlfriend?

Sky: His name is Jake, and now he does :]

Lacey: OMFG. You didn’t!

Sky: Oh, I did. He loves me back too.

Lacey: You just met this guy! Wtf is wrong with you?!?!

Sky: Nothing is wrong with me, thanks. It’s like the feeling you got when you first met Alex. It’s love…

Lacey: Rawwr, whatever, just remember you’ll have to let me meet him!

Sky: Lol I will, promise.

Lacey: K, I gotta go now, call me later, mkay?

Sky: Kk, ttyl :]

Lacey logs off, and I do too, now considering there’s nothing to do.

Then I realize that I’m a fucking idiot. I remember that my parent’s left on a ‘business trip’ to Florida and won’t be back for like 2 weeks. Fucking hell yes. I can have whoever I want over without them ever coming home, knowing who’s been here.

Two whole weeks… a lot could happen in that time.
♠ ♠ ♠
okay! all fixed now!
so sorry, i accidentally put this up as chapter 5, but the real chapter 5 i skipped.
sorry, i'm such a dipshit :[