

Two new students came to our school; one was in my year and class, the other was in year twelve. These new students weren’t normal either. The older one with short brown and the layer look with his clothes and the younger one with longish brown hair and normal male fashion sense.

It was a normal day here at Gold Creek. It was Monday morning and I was sitting by myself, just the way I like it, with my friends in on group talking about whatever they found interesting. He walked into the classroom behind the teacher. The teacher announced him as Sam Winchester, he, his older brother and their father just moved here.

“It doesn’t really look like you’d get a choice of where you want to sit,” the teacher laughed as he pointed out the other seat available in the classroom, the seat next to me. He walked with his head down and sat in the spare seat. “Hey I’m Sam, what’s your name?” he questioned to someone.

I looked at him to notice he was speaking to me. “Uh Laura, hi welcome to this shit hole,” I laughed.

He looked at me strangely. “Why would you say that?”

“Trust me it is,” I answered before looking back to the teacher who was calling the role.

S.O.S.E one of the most boring classes there is in this state. It’s just History and Geography put together. Guess this school was too cheap to make the classes separated. Another thing I hate about this place you have to do Exhibitions. This is so far the only school I know that does these things to their students. Torment them non-stop. These Exhibitions only run for second semester but it’s all we do in S.O.S.E and English for that time. “So what are we supposed to be doing?” Sam asked again.

I looked over to him to see he wasn’t asking me this time. He was asking one of my friends named, Rachel.

“We are supposed to be answering questions from this book,” she answered showing him the book and what questions to answer.

“Yeah thanks,” he finished looking through the whole book.

I quietly laughed but not quietly enough, Sam must have heard me as he turned to me with a ‘what’ face. I looked back down at my work and kept on doing the work. I could feel him just staring at me like he was trying to figure me out. I turned to face him seeing that he quickly went back to work. “Do you have a problem or something?” I asked as politely as I could manage.

He looked up, “No I don’t but thank you for asking,” he politely replied.

I stared at him. There was something different about him, something there that isn’t there on normal guys. Something that made me attracted to him. It wasn’t his hotness but something else that I couldn’t explain. “Sorry, so what do you have next, Math or Science?” I asked trying to be polite as there was something about this guy that made me hate him.

“I believe I have Math with some teacher Called Mini Charman,” he laughed.

“Really?” I replied astonished.

“Something wrong with that?”

“No it’s just that I pictured you to be well a modern day nerd,” I spurted out not meaning to say the last part.

He just laughed. “Yeah I guess I am, but I like starting with the easy Math working my way up to the harder stuff. Dean on the other hand, loves the easy stuff.”

“Who’s Dean?” I queried.

“My older Bro, he’s the tough guy of the family, I’m well the geek of the family.”

"So, he’s the typical male?”

“I don’t know what you call the typical male but by the sounds of it yeah.”

Class had finished and I found out that Sam wasn’t half bad though he was very smart. I had Math now, which was a bore. This semester my teacher decided to strict. So no more slacking off whenever we want to now. Walking out of the classroom, I noticed someone who looked quite new. That must be Dean or something. I thought as I walked past trying to catch up to my friend Gabby. I had my own group of ‘Math Buddies’ as we called ourselves. Actually it’s no longer ‘Math Buddies’ now it’s ‘Math, Science and Web page Buddies’ now. Gabby and I reached Math to find the other two there. Olivia, who I called Oil from her initials, and Chloe, those two plus Gabby and I made the group. I sat down with them all and started talking to them about the random stuff we usually talk about. Just then Sam walks into the room and the girls shot up by making sure they looked perfect. Sam walked over to our group and just stood there. “So I guess no room for me?” he laughed.

He was happy all the time, I guess when you have an older brother you don’t have to worry about what others think about you since they’ll be stuck thinking about him.

“Sorry no, but if you sit with her I’ll make it up to you with letting you, and your brother if he wants to, sit with us at recess and lunch,” I replied.

He turned to see who I was pointing at. I almost cracked up when I saw his face when he turned back facing us. “You’re joking right?” he asked, almost sounding scared.


I glared at me before sighing and sitting down next to a girl named Rosemary. She was a complete loser to everyone but the little friends she had. My first year here, which was only last year, I was friends with her. Then I began hanging out with another girl called Cherita and Rosemary tried to fit in with us by turning emo. It would be the funniest thing you’d ever see. I saw Rose talking non-stop to Sam, who I actually felt sorry for.

Math is wonderful thing. Yeah that’s only true when you’re in Math not learning it. Finally this class had finished and we were already out of the classroom. We were walking down the stairs when someone was calling out to us. Sam was trying to follow Gabby and I. We kept walking to our lockers before Sam was able to catch up to us. “Hey did you enjoy sitting next to Rosemary?” I laughed grabbing my books for my next two classes.

“You wish, that’s worse then fighting ghouls,” he laughed.

“Right anyway I’ll see you next time I have a class with you,” I replied closing my locker.

“Do you know where the ICT class is? I have it next,” Sam asked before I could leave.

“You’ve got to be kidding me! Can I see your time table?” I asked stopping in my tracks.

He handed me his time table and I noticed that he had all but one class with me. “This is a joke right? You have all but one class with me.”

“Is that a problem?” he asked really confused now.

“No, don’t worry about it. Look if you find me at the end of recess, I’ll show you were the class is,” I finished walking to where my group sits.

“Hey, Dean over here!” I heard Sam call.

I turned around to see the same I saw earlier come up to Sam. I kept walking to my group to see everyone over excited, more then usual. “Hey what’s happening?” I called out as I reached the group.

Suddenly everyone came running up to me asking me questions about the new kid in my class. I tried to move to sit down to get away but before I knew it they were all paying attention to something else. I saw Sam and his older brother walking over to us. “Hey I think you forgot your promise to my little brother,” Dean laughed walking over to me.

“Promise?” I replied blankly trying to remember it.

“You know, that we could sit you and you’re…group…at recess and lunch,” he replied looking around at all the girls.

“Oh yeah, I thought you’d want to sit with guys instead, since this is all girls,” I laughed walking over to the brick wall, finding somewhere free to sit.

Jess, Renee, Kat and Gaby also went back to where they were sitting to talk more about MCR and The Used. Rachel, Rafiqa, Jackie and Chloe stayed with Dean and Sam trying to get to know them better.

It’s already the end of recess and still everyone’s talking to Sam and Dean. I got off the brick wall to find Sam standing in front of me, which scares the shit out of me. “If I remember correctly, you said to find you after recess so you could show me where ICT is,” he smirked.

I sighed. “That’s right, follow me,” I sighed some more.

I walked to the cad lab with Sam who kept checking his phone. “Are you okay?” I asked since his face was full of anxiousness.

After we stopped outside the computer room he just realised what I asked. “Oh sorry, my dad’s on a hunting trip and he usually calls us so we know his okay,” he answered stilled anxious.

“Hunting trip?”

“Yeah, our family likes hunting animals,” he laughed before signaling someone to come over.

“Anything?” Dean asked as he reached us.

“No and I’m getting worried,” Sam replied with a serious face.

“You always worry, hey, how are you?” he finished with starting a conversation with me now.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I answered looking at him weirdly.

“Right well I better get to class, enjoy yours Sammy,” Dean laughed before walking off.

"Right see you after," Sam replied waving bye to Dean.

I spotted my friends; Chloe, Christine and Claire coming this way. "Hey! Over here," I called out.

They noticed me call as they waved towards me. "Am I going to be stuck with girls all the time, because they can get really annoying," Sam scolded.

"You don't have to hang around me all the time," I replied.

"True, so who would Dean and I hang around with?" he enquired.

"Well I'm only friends with two groups of guys."

"Whatever one," Sam insisted.

"There's one."

I pointed out to a group of guys who were walking over to the classroom.
He looked to see where I was pointing. Coming this way was two guys; Daniel and Paul.

"You sure?" he asked.

"You obviously don't make a lot of friends do you?"

"Our dad likes to move around a lot as hunting is his job. It's been that way since I was six months and Dean was four," he replied.

I could tell that he didn't like talking about his childhood as his face sadden with every word he spoke I didn't want to go on with that conversation. I walked over to where the two guys, I pointed out earlier were, with Sam following. "Hey guys, how have you been?" I asked.

“Oh hey, good, what’s up?” Daniel replied.

“Yeah same old, listen can you guys do me favour?” I asked, knowing that these guys were hard to get favours from.

“Yeah whatever,” Paul agreed.

“My new friend here is already sick of hanging around with girls, do you mind if he hangs out with you guys, Alex and all that?” I asked with full hope that they’ll allow it.

“Umm, yeah I don’t think Alex would care that much,” Daniel answered.

“Okay great, Sam, this is Paul and Daniel, enjoy hanging out with them,” I finished walking back to where Chloe and that were.

ICT is one of the best classes I have. We do absolutely nothing in it, unless we chose to do the work. There were only a few girls actually in it since it’s about computers, and not many girls are into that kind of stuff. Most of that class I just listened too music and surfed the internet for the most random things as there is nothing to do on school computers. Sam didn’t speak to me once during that lesson which actually disappointed me. Even though he can be as annoying as hell, he was great to talk to. Hating his guts didn’t seem that easy now that I was getting to know him a lot better. I saw Dean come up to the classroom’s door window knocking on it. The teacher opened the door to speak to him but Dean just came rushing in and taking Sam with him who didn’t really want to go until Dean whispered something into his ear. Before I knew it they were out of the classroom before the teacher could get a word in. Since it was time to go, I grabbed my books and bag and tried to find them. Before the chance of running around the school, I saw them standing outside of the building. I walked up to them wanting to know what that was all about. Before I could say anything or continue that last step towards them. They walked back in and walked straight passed me. “Excuse me!” I yelled not being able to control what I was saying.

They turned to looking surprised. “Sorry, that was kinda private,” Sam apologised.

“I didn’t mean to say anything, it just happens sometimes, so I should be apologising to you two,” I responded.

“No, it’s okay. So where is this group going to be?” Sam insisted moving on from the apologies.

“The Library,” I laughed, “They used to hang out near the oval but not anymore or for the moment.”

“Right, does this library have any interesting books on supernatural tales?” Sam enquired.

“Yeah, Sammy’s a big nerd especially when it comes to researching,” Dean laughed with Sam giving him a scolding look, “What it’s true.”

Sam just shock his head and headed for the library. I just waved bye to them and headed to where my group was sitting, at our old brick wall, which I named; Bricky. “Hey!” I called out to everyone who was sitting on the wall. My normal everyday group was there; Jess, Gaby, Kat, Renee, Ben, Rachel, Rachel, Jackie, Gabbie, Rafiqa and Aditi. “Where are Sam and Dean?” Jackie asked.

“Sam wanted to hang around with some guys, so that’s what his doing,” I replied sitting down on the wall.

“Well that sucks,” Jackie replied with a ‘sad’ face.

“Sorry, anyway anything interesting happening?” I asked reaching for my ipod.

“Nothing at the moment. Jess is staying at my place tonight,” Gaby replied going back to what she was previously talking about.

I found a descent song on this thing and played it. Moments later everyone was here and talking among themselves. As soon as I got over listening to music, I could swear I hear someone running towards the group. I turned to see Dean, running for his life and Sam cracking up whilst following Dean. “What happened?” Jackie laughed.

“Uh, nothing,” Dean replied acting “normal”.

“He got scared,” Sam chuckled as he just caught up.

“Scared of what?” Jackie laughed again.

We couldn’t help but to laugh. “These horrible looking girls wouldn’t leave Sammy and me alone. There we were sitting talking about whatever when all of a sudden this group of girls came up to us and started talking to us. I was okay, cool that some more girls but after getting a good look at them, I was scared. I tried to ignore them but they started touching Sam and me and I just freaked out and ran for it,” Dean replied looking behind him nervously.

Sam just kept laughing at his brother as he sat down on Bricky. Dean quickly jumped onto the brick wall still scared shitless. “There coming!”

I looked to see four girls standing in the middle of the concrete area. “Ha, sucked in,” I laughed again.

Those girls would be considered the unpopular group of year nine. “Why’d they stop following?” Dean asked trying to calm down while hiding behind us.

“There scared of us, or me, for some reason,” I replied, calming down.

I saw Sam give me a perplexed look. “Your problem please?” I asked frustrated.

“Why would they be scared?” Sam questioned.

“Who cares why, as long as it keeps them away,” Dean answered before I could get a word in.

I believed Sam was still confused but he didn’t pursue the conversation.

It was now the end of lunch now, which meant I had Personal Health, one of the most jaded classes there was.

“I’ll see you guys later,” I called out as I started for the classroom.

“Wait up!” someone called.

I twisted around to see Sam catching up and behind him was Dean watching happily. I waited until Sam caught up and continued walking.

In this health lesson we were learning about Mental Health, and trust me this is quite boring. I sat with Claire and Christine, Christine who is in all but one of my classes and Claire, the most annoying person in the world, as far as I know. Sam was sitting with us and next to a student called Liam. No matter how boring this class can be, sitting with Christine made it a lot better. Sam spoke to us now and then, which was better then him ignoring us the whole time to do work.

By now it was the end of the day and time to go home. I walked over to where I usually waited for my walk home buddies, as I called them, and yes, I make funny names for everything. Though it’s no longer fun to walk home without one of my closest friend who moved all the way to the U.S.A. I waited for the G-Force group – Gaby and Gabby – who were just getting out of Photography. I saw Sam with Dean walking the same way we all walk. I called out to them which made them jerk towards me. Dean smiled and pushed Sam towards my way. “Hey!” Gabby called out to me.

I turned to face them, obviously turning my back to Sam and Dean. Both groups reached me at the same time. “Ready?” Gaby asked excited to get home so she could read Breaking Dawn.
♠ ♠ ♠
End of Chapter 1.
There should hopefully be only 5 chapters to this.