

“Wake up Sammy, it’s a new day!” a voice yelled, waking me out of my unconsciousness.
I yanked my eyes open to see my older brother standing beside me. I groaned before getting up myself. It’s Tuesday which means, another school day. “Dad here?” I asked still trying to wake myself up.
“Nope just us, though he called again,” Dean answered leaving my room.
I finally got enough strength to get up and grab my school clothes to change.

After being completely ready, I walked into our kitchen and grabbed some cereal. I noticed Dean had already eaten, as he never cleans up, which means I’ll have to do it.
After eating and cleaning I call out to Dean to see if his ready, which he thankfully was.

Reaching school, I saw the some of the members of who Dean and I was with yesterday. I walked up to them with Dean following. “Hey!” I called.

They all twisted around and waved before going back to their conversation. ”Sorry I’m late,” a familiar voice called.

I turned a little to the right to see a student with blonde hair walk over to the group. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Dean was smiling which he’d done a lot of yesterday. I ignored him and walked over to her group. The bell just rang for homeroom, so I said bye to Dean and walked to homeroom with the group. They were talking about the weirdest things, Vampires and Werewolves. “What are you all going on about?” I asked sick of being confused.

“Oh it’s this book,” Laura replied showing me the book she was holding.
The book was titled: Breaking Dawn. “Well that’s cool, I guess,” I finished still mildly confused.

Reaching homeroom, some guys were asking me to sit with them. I excused myself and went to join them. “Hey, my name is Adam, this is Axay and Shivnelle,” he exclaimed.
I sat at the end of their table which was close to the teacher’s desk.” Good morning class,” the teacher called as she got the class role. She called out everyone’s name to see who was and here and who wasn’t. As soon as it was nine am, we all left for our next class. I followed Laura and her group to where she had Science. The seats were in rows of three. I saw Laura sitting with her group and there were two free spots. “Aren’t you missing a couple of people?” I asked.

“Jacko is going to be late and Olivia/Oil isn’t here today,” Laura replied getting her book out of her folder.

“Mind if I sit with you?” I asked since there still isn’t anyone here to sit with.

“Do I care?” she replied moving her bag.

I sat down next to her and reached for my own book.

This lesson may have been only an hour but it felt like we’d been in here for ages. We were learning about Atoms and the Period Table. “Do you get any of this?” I heard ask the girls behind us.

“Ha, no,” of them laughed.

This lesson was boring and Laura wasn’t even letting me talk to her now. I sighed as it was the end of this lesson and the start of the next. The walk to health was silent as well. When we arrived she went to sit with Claire and Christine – I think that’s their names – whilst I sat opposite her. We were still learning about mental health. I could have fallen asleep in this class but I thought it would have been best not too. This teacher really hated even the smallest bit of talk. I tried to get Laura’s attention a couple of times but she just kept ignoring me and it was starting to get annoying. I knew she couldn’t keep this up for long.
When the class was dismissed, I followed her to the brick wall still trying to get her to talk to me. Dean had found us too, and joined the girls group. “Hey Sammy, what’s been happening?” I asked greeting my brother whilst getting up.

“I’m sick of this place, when will dad be done?” he groaned.

“I don’t know bro,” I replied before he went to talk to the girls.

I just shook my head and went back to where I was sitting. Out of the blue another girl joined the group; I believed her name was Jackie.

“Ling-Ling!” Laura called out as she went to hug her friend.

She was followed by another girl with brown-long hair and seemed to like blue a lot. I think that was Rachel, who I spoke to yesterday about the S.O.S.E work. They walked back to the brick wall and sat down, talking about their previous class. “So what have you been doing all day?” the one I believed to be Rachel asked.

“I finished Breaking Dawn,” Jackie replied.

I didn’t really care about this conversation. Just then my phone went off. Dean and everyone else turned to face me. I reached into my pocket and pulled it out. Astonished I answered the call. “Dad?” I asked.

“Hey Sammy, look somehow the demon got away,” he answered through the speaker.

“What! How?” I asked.

Dean must have realised why dad had called as he screwed his face up. “Keep an eye out for it, it was heading your way,” was the last thing he said before he hung up.

I was left with a beeping noise before I pressed the hang up button myself. After that, everyone went back to what they were doing before. Just then Dean randomly jumped over the railing behind the brick wall and hid. I looked at him perplexed and he just pointed to across the concourse. I followed to where he was pointing and became shocked myself. Walking this way was those four girls from yesterday. The girls must have noticed to, as they all started laughing again. “Excuse me, can we talk to Sam?” one of those hideous girls asked.

I just shivered without warning. No doubt I was scared. “No, sorry,” Laura answered politely.

“When did you become his boss?” one of them rudely asked.

“Never, I just know he doesn’t want to go near you, and I don’t blame him,” Laura replied defending me.

I was surprised, she wasn’t talking to me, but now she was defending me? There had to be a reason behind it. “How’d you know that?” another asked all snobby.

“Look she doesn’t need to defend me, though I appreciate it a lot, but Dean and I don’t want you around us.”

“Oh we don’t want Dean; we are inviting you to hang out with us, whenever you want to. My name is Sheridan, this is Sarah, Georgia and Teresa,” Sheridan finished before walking off.

“Glad that’s over,” Dean decided to let us know.

“I doubt for long, they’ll be back,” Laura retorted.

“Why is that? I thought there scared of you,” Dean retaliated jumping back onto Bricky.

“Jackie, are you alright!?” Rachel yelled in shock.

I turned to see her friend about to collapse and fall off the railing she was sitting on. Dean quickly ran to catch her before she fell backwards. Everyone sighed with relief. Dean set her down on the concrete just before she woke up. “What happened?” she asked in a daze.

“You were about to fall backwoods over the railing and Dean caught you,” Rachel replied helping her friend sit up.

“Really? Oh, Thanks,” she replied, still sounding very weak.

Dean smiled and walked back over to where I was, before saying bye as the bell just went for our next class. “I guess I have Web page with you know,” I smiled to Laura.

“I guess so,” she replied grabbing her things and started walking with me following.
The walk to the classroom was very short. We waited a minute until Laura ran off to greet her friends. She walked back to where I was waiting. I didn’t understand why people did that, wait in one place for someone, run up to them and walk all the way back to where they were waiting. It didn’t make much sense.

It wasn’t long until the rest of the class arrived and the teacher her self. “Her name is Ms. Sims, and she is by far, the worst teacher you could ever meet,” Laura whispered to me, before we walked into the classroom. There were only four people sitting at her table. One was Christine, Gabby; I think the other one was Chloe and Laura. I sat next to the Christine and waited for the teacher to start the lesson. Since it was a web page class, all we had to do was create a web page by the end of the semester. This shouldn’t be such a difficult task, I hoped. After a long introduction on what we would be doing each lesson, we were assigned laptops. These were Macs. It surprised me on how updated these laptops were. They had all the updated software on them; Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Flash version 8. We first had to open up Fireworks, which was the best photo/drawing software out there. You could do whatever to what you imported into the program, depending on the skills you have with it.

This was an eighty minute lesson, but it went faster then any I’ve had so far. It was fun mucking around with fireworks, designing random things, making random pictures. But before I got too carried away, I had to think of what I was going to create my actual site on. It didn’t take me long before I had a good idea. I thought since my family believed in the Supernatural, I’d do my site on that; Vampires, werewolves, ghouls, banshees, and so on.
By now the time everyone had chosen what there web site was going to be on, it was time to pack away the laptops and head on out of the building. I walked to the brick wall to find Dean already there. “Hey, what’s the matter?” I asked.

“Dad called, he’s lost total track of where the demons gone,” Dean replied furiously.

Now that Dean was old enough to start hunting with Dad properly, he gets furious whenever Dad doesn’t let him go with him, and leaves him babysitting me, even though I don’t need to be babysat. “It’ll be alright, Dad will find it again, he always does,” I assured him.

“I wish I was there killing that son of a bitch!” Dean yelled.

“Who’s a son of a bitch?” Laura asked coming from behind me.

“Uh, no one, don’t worry about it,” Dean finished.

He went to find somewhere good to sit. The rest of her group came and found their own spots to sit as I just stood there wondering where this demon could have gone to. “Hey Chels! Where have you been the past two weeks?” I heard Laura call out to someone.

The person she called out to: had brown hair that was tied to the side. When the student realised she was being called, she turned around. “I’ve been sick at Skye’s,” the Chelsea replied. She looked over to me and looked like she was hyperventilating. Laura walked over to where her friend was.

“Sammy!” I heard Dean call out.

I turned to see him on his phone. “Yeah?”

“Its dad, he said the demon might have a ninety nine percent change being here,” he replied.
“So we have to check everyone here?” he replied into the speaker before he sighed with frustration and hung up.
“You’re joking right? Do you know how many people go to this place?” I retorted.
“It’ll be okay Sammy, just look for someone like you,” he laughed with me giving him a scolding look.
“I’m sorry Rachel, but it’s the truth, no one wants you here!” one the girls yelled.
“Jacko does and that’s someone!” Rachel retaliated.
“Wow, one person!” another girl yelled.
“Look, how about you both leave us, and we’ll see if we want you back tomorrow,” yet another girl reacted.
“Fine!” Rachel yelled, storming off with a girl following.
“What was that all about?” Laura asked.
I turned to see her rejoining the group. “Don’t worry, we just fed up with Rachel, she’ll be back with us tomorrow,” one replied.
“Right well the bells about to go and we have English, meaning we have to get there early,” she finished picking up her stuff.
They all nodded and everyone else got there stuff.

We already twenty minutes in and by far this was the most boring class I’ve got. The teacher just spoke on and on about these Exhibitions that only this school had to do. After that she read a book called: Letters from the Inside. That was the part of it all. Then after the teacher believe the class was settled enough, we all went down to the Tech Lab. To write a news article, that could be about anything. I saw that Laura was bored and wondering around the computer lab, over to a group of guys. I followed her just to see why she’d stop. I looked to see the person’s computer she stopped at was mucking around with the computer’s setup menu, disabling everything on it and putting a password onto it. I wanted to know why this was funny, but didn’t ask dare to ask. The rest of his mates came over and started laughing too.

That would have been the only fun thing that happened that day.

By now it was the end of the day; I waited for Dean so we could hurry up and get home.
When we finally arrived we found Dad home. “Did you guys notice anything strange today?” he asked as we threw our stuff onto the closest lounge.

“Nope, everything was normal, maybe those hideous things are the demon,” Dean laughed.

“Dean you should defiantly know by now this isn’t a joke,” Dad scolded.

“Of course I know that,” he snapped before walking off.

“Dad he knows, it sounds like his having a great time here,” I defended.
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there's maybe i little hint in this chapter...