

Waking up is one of the two worst things, I have to do in my life. Though I do hunting things, it gets very annoying having to move everywhere. Knowing Dad and I didn’t leave on good terms, I knew he would get over it sometime. Sammy would have explained something to him. Talking about Sam, I should see if he’s awake. I know how much he enjoys waking up to a clown. I hear this scream of horror coming from Sam’s room. “Dean you bastard!” I heard Sam yell.

Clowns are one of the best things I’ve heard of. “Time for school Sammy!” I yelled from the kitchen.

Sam came out looking dead. “Did you get any sleep last night?” I asked by how he looked.

He gave me a scolded look. “Thanks a lot for the present,” he retorted sarcastically.

“My pleasure,” I grinned.

He just shook his head before slumping back to his room. I laughed some more, whilst getting some cereal and a bowl out to make Sammy and me some breakfast. I finished just before Sammy walked out to eat. I walked to my room to grab my time table and books for the day before walking out, past the kitchen and into the lounge to put my stuff into my bag. “You ready?” Sam called from the kitchen.

How he gets ready so fast, I’ll never know.

As we were walking to school, we ran into Sammy’s little blonde haired friend. “Oh hey Laura,” Sam called.

She turned and waited for us to catch up. “Hey,” she replied as we all walked to school together.

We reached the school’s main building and I said goodbye to Sam, as I went to homeroom. As I reached homeroom the first bell rang. It didn’t take long for Sam to reach his classroom either. I knew this because his classroom was directly upstairs to mine. While I waited, I saw the group I sat with during classes walking this way. Two guys and three girls; the guys looking tough and the girls looking heaps girly.

The teacher was right behind them so I didn’t have to wait much longer. The group sat the end of the classroom like usual and started talking about last night. I tuned out like always, thinking about what my father had told Sam and me. I went over the possibilities again hoping to god that those hideous things were the demon but from over hearing the conversations they’re always like that. So I had to cross that option out unwillingly. Though again falling off a railing may not be strange to some but it was like she purposely leaned back like something… My thoughts were quickly interrupted by a scream. It came from Sam’s classroom. I ran out of my classroom, to see Sam with his little blonde haired friend yelling out ‘Jackie’. Luckily there were stairs next to my classroom.

After climbing all those ‘fun’ stairs I reached the top. “What’s wrong?” I asked as I saw my question was answered.

Sam’s blonde haired friend – Laura I was sure that’s her name – wouldn’t stop yelling out ‘Jackie’. “You can stop now, she isn’t coming back,” I told her, hoping she would shut up.
She automatically stopped and gave me a death stare, before tears swelled up in her eyes.

“Dean!” Sam yelled furiously.

“Yes?” I asked with him now glaring at me. “Get her to call dad, and we’ll chase,” I replied running off before we stood here with useless chatter.

“Wait? Why am I calling your father for?” she asked perplexed.
I sighed. We were never meant to explain what we really do to others.

“Just do it,” I replied frustrated.

“Not without a reason.”

“Just do it!”


“’Cause if you don’t something bad will happen to everyone you love.”

This was getting repetitive.
“What makes you think that?”

“I know because it’s a Fudging demon.”

“Demon?” That caught her off guard.

“Yeah, could you just call our dad now?”

“Whatever,” she surrendered.

“Here just look for his number in the contacts,” I heard Sam finish before running to catch up to me.

I realised it had already gotten away. Damn! I thought as Sam caught up. "Did you see where it went?" I asked.


Just then a scream came from upstairs. "For the love of..."

I started running all the way back up and too Sam's homeroom. I bent down to pick up Sam's phone which was just lying on the ground, calling our dad. "Hello, Sam?"

"Yeah, you're going to kill us, it was here and got away with another victim," Sam told.

"Yeah, Sam's girlfriend got kidnapped," I yelled at the phone.

"Girlfriend? Sam do we need to have 'The Talk'?" I heard dad reply.

"She's just a friend who's a girl. You have many girl friends yourself," Sam explained to me furiously.

"Anyway, I'll track this thing alone while you two go back to class. I'll call you when I’ve found it," he finished before hanging up.

“I wonder how much trouble we’re in,” Sam asked reminding me, we were supposed to be in homeroom right now.

“Wanna wag?”

“Dean I can’t wag!” Sam replied shocked.

“Fine, go back to class; just give me your phone, incase he calls then.”

Sam handed me his phone and walked back to into his homeroom. “Good to see you join us again,” the teacher told him.

I walked back to my homeroom to grab my stuff.

It now being nine, we had to go to our first class of the day. Except for me, I just walked out of the building and headed for the shops. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if there were teachers prowling the area. It was only a two minute walk from school. There weren’t any teachers, which meant I could stay there for the whole two hours, which were going to be the most jaded times of my life.

Since I survived the two hours of boredom, it was now eleven fifty. Meaning I had ten minutes ‘til recess. As I was walking back my phone started ringing. “Hello, have you located it yet?”
“Dean, wagging already, yeah I have. I’ll meet you and Sam at behind the school,” he finished before hanging up.

Finally reaching school again, I had five minutes until recess. I ran up to the front office with a note to sign Sam and me out of school, incase dad ever needed our help. After that being taken care of, I went to see if Sam had gotten out of class yet so we could leave. Luckily he was already half-way down the stairs. I impatiently waited for him. “Did you get caught?” he asked when he realised I was waiting for him.

“Nope, but he found it, in a warehouse, cliché much aye,” I laughed, turning to walk off with him following.

We reached the back of the school to see this massive black truck waiting. “Hurry up!” he yelled as we were getting in.

We were outside of the warehouse, were the demon or whatever it was. We got out and walked to the back of the truck. Dad opened the trunk to reveal his hidden compartment which was full of weapons. “Do you really think we’ll need these?” Sam inquired.

“We always take precautions,” Dad replied.

“Ready?” I asked adding myself to the conversation.

After opening the door quietly, stepping in and closing the door quietly again. We crept quietly until we reached another room. Sam peaked to see if the demon was there. After looking back to us he nodded, which meant the demon was there. What do we do?” Sam questioned.

“You two quickly make a devils trap – for another precaution,” Dad started, “When you’re done, I’ll try to draw it into the trap.”

“Yes, sir,” Sam and me replied in union before we started drawing.

After quick and perfect drawn trap, we followed dad to the next room where the demon waited. Sitting in the middle of the room on a chair was Sam’s friend. In front of her was another girl or now the demon. “Well nice of you to turn up,” it called out to us.

Dad and I stayed still, while we watched Sam, foolishly, walked towards it. “Stay back!” it called again but Sam didn’t listen.

He just kept walking towards it. I looked over to the side to see a pile of fresh bones, which only looked a day old. I made a sicken look and turned back to see Sam real close to his friend. From here I could see the demon glaring at him with an evil grin. She waved her left arm which made a huge gush of wind forcing the girl and Sam to go flying into the wall on my right. “Sam!” Dad and I yelled in union.

It didn’t take him long to get back up. I sighed with relief. “Stay there!” Dad yelled furiously.

Sam nodded but moved a little to see if Laura was alright. The demon walked closer to us, taking its time. Dad nodded to me and ran to where we set up the trap I just hope he knows what his doing. I thought, just standing still so the demon would go after dad as planned. When dad was out of the doorway, I ran over to where Sam was sitting. “Go help dad, I’ll be fine,” he told trying to get up.

“Take your time, dad will be fine,” I reminded him.

Our dad is one of the best hunters of the supernatural. There were many hunters around the world but none like our family. We stick together. Though Sam doesn’t like hunting, and the fact that he and dad fight a lot, he still doesn’t mind helping us out with cases.

We hear a scream coming from the other room. By now Sam has gotten up and picked Laura in his arms. She was hurt terribly and unconscious. We ran to the other room to see that dad had the demon almost near the trap. I could tell he wasn’t trying to hurt it, as it still was human. Just a human who was possessed by a powerful demon. Dad took one more step back as the demon took one step forward. “Yes!” I yelled happily.

This made the demon turn to me confused until it looked down. It screamed (out loud). The scream was able to break apart the trap. “Shit!” I yelled as it was getting out of the trap. “It’s okay!” Dad reassured me, “It’s bound to the body by a seal!”

After the (sound) stopped, dad ran into the seal with something. He grabbed its arm and did something to the arm. From being far away it was heaps hard to see what was happening.

After he had done that, a bunch of black smoke poured out of her mouth as she fell to the ground. “Dean, come carry her!” Dad yelled.

“Uh, yes sir,” I replied running over there to pick her up.

“Right, let’s get out of here,” he finished.

Dad led, as Sam and I carried the two unconscious girls in our arms. We ran to the truck and placed the girls inside whilst we loaded our weapons back into the secret compartment. After that dad jumped into the driver’s seat, I was in the front and Sammy was with the girls in the back. The truck was very packed.

It didn’t take long to get home. Sam and me carried the girls into the house and place the no-longer possessed on the only couch and Laura on Sam’s bed (since there were no where else spare).

“So how long until we leave?” I asked.

“Just need to pack, we can do that tomorrow, and leave Friday,” Dad replied with no emotion in his voice.

“Friday! Isn’t that a bit soon? We only got here last Saturday,” Sam replied upset.

“I know Sam, but with hunting, we can’t stay in one place for a long time. There could be more sons of a bitch out there remember,” Dad replied still without the emotion.

Sam was furious now. I knew he wanted to stay because of he had fun not having to deal with the supernatural. For as long as he lives, he’ll always hate them. Not for killing our mother but every time he makes friends with someone, we have to leave. “What’s the time?” I asked realising we’d been gone for awhile now.

“Seven Forty, why?” Dad replied suspicious.

“Nothing, just wondering, though it does feel a lot later,” I replied losing interest in the conversation already.

“Right well, when will they wake up? ‘Cause I really want my bed back,” Sam inquired.

I laughed. “It’s ok Sammy; you can sleep next to her.”

“No thanks, I’ll wait,” he replied sourly and tired.

I laughed again. “I think I might turn in early, dead tired from doing nothing all day.”

Sam scowled at me before I left for my room.

Sam's POV

After Dean and Dad went to bed early, I stayed up. Hoping that Laura would wake up soon so I could go to sleep myself. I was dead tired and hardly gotten any real sleep this week. I decided to go watch some muted TV whilst I waited. Trying not to wake up Jackie, I sat on the arm chair and turned the TV on. I quickly pressed mute and flickered through the channels. “Hello?” a voice from the doorway called.

I turned to see Laura standing there. “You’re up finally,” I replied.

“Where am I and how had I got here?” she asked perplexed.

She walked towards me to be more perplexed. “And why is Jackie here too?”

She didn’t sound very happy. “We just saved your life,” I replied leaving the TV on a random channel.

“Right well you can have your bed back, I’ll stay here,” she replied crossed armed.

“Right, then enjoy the uncomfortable,” I smirked getting up.

“Actually, now that you mention it, you can stay out here,” she replied confusing me now.

“Alright, I’ll go to my bed,” I concurred.

“No, that was too easy. I’ll stay here and you stay here, what you say to that?” she asked all smug.

“That I’m really confused now?” I replied trying not to laugh.

“Whatever, if I can keep an eye on you, then I’ll know you won’t try to do any funny stuff,” she replied sitting on the ground in front of the air chair that was behind me.

“That’s more Dean then me,” I smugly reply sitting back down on the chair.

Just then I was finally able to drift to sleep. Ending this “fun” day of running around.
♠ ♠ ♠
only two more chapters to go =(
i enjoy writing this story, for the entertain of my friends and whoever is bothered to read this...