

I woke to find myself seeing completely different scenery then I was used to. The TV was still going but on mute. I looked more to the right to see two people sleeping. Laura and Sam. Laura was sitting at the bottom of the chair whilst Sam was sleeping actually on it. That’s something you always want to wake up to. I tried to get up, but it caused too much pain. Trying again, I tried a lot slower and was successful this time. I walked slowly to what I believe was the kitchen. Sitting at the kitchen’s counter was a guy, couple of years older then I was. “Morning,” he spoke, whilst eating.

“Where am I?” I asked completely unaware what day it was, and where I was.

“My place, you don’t look to good,” he replied taking notice of how much pain I was in.

“Yeah I know what day is it?”

“Thursday, which means you should be getting for school,” he laughed.

“Thursday? I must have blacked out for two days,” I replied.

“Sam, you up!” he yelled to the room I just left.

“So, Dean, why am I at your place for?” I asked trying to figure everything I’d blacked out on.

“You are here because you had a bad fall and my dad was taking care of you.”

“Don’t you usually go to a hospital when you’re hurt?”

“Our dad’s just as good and it saves money,” he laughed.

“Yeah, so what’s with them?” I asked referring to Laura and Sam.


“Your brother and my friend,” I laughed pointing to the lounge room.

He got out of his seat and walked to the doorway. Peering in front of me, he saw his brother on a chair whilst Laura was sleeping against the chair. I saw Dean smirk. “Rise and Shine Sammy!” he yelled before walking back to his breakfast.

“Not so loud Dean,” someone called.

I saw Sam wake up before turning a little to my right to see an older man. “Morning Dad,” Dean spoke through each mouthful.

“Hey, what’s the time?” I heard Sam ask.

“Time for you two to get to school,” their dad called back, “Same with you two.”

“So it’s eight thirty?”

“Yes, get up!” John replied.

“Eight thirty? Shit we have to go,” I replied looking for my things.

“Sam and his friend get up and get out of here!” John yelled to the lounge room.

I could hear Laura murmuring something as she got up. I headed towards the front of the house. Laura staggered to the front door to grab her stuff as well. Sam and Dean followed afterwards.

It only took us five minutes to walk to school. Dean was the only one who had breakfast so we grabbed hot chips from the local take-away shop. We ate them on the way with Laura trying to scab them all.

Dean walked with us to our homeroom. Laura and I talked about the Twilight Series while Sam and Dean tried to understand what we were talking about.
The rest of our group showed up and after a few minutes. Dean said bye since his homeroom was going in. “Where’s Rachel?” I asked knowing she’s been missing for a while now.

“No idea, she was last seen with you, then magically disappeared,” Ella laughed an evil laugh.

“Talking about weird stuff, what happened yesterday?” Gaby asked.

“What do you…?” I started before Laura interrupted.

“She was looking for Rachel and while she was looking, she tripped down the stairs but luckily Sam caught you,”

“And why were you looking for Rachel?” Ella enquired.

“Because she messaged me telling me she was coming, and then she didn’t so I went looking for her,” I responded hoping they’d buy it, which they thankfully did.

After the teacher finally came, we all walked into the classroom and sat in our normal seats. We had six tables to ourselves. I sat at the front with Rachel; the Gaby’s sat the table behind mine, whilst Laura and Sam sat behind them. Homeroom went pretty fast which meant I had Photography now. Where the fuck is Rachel? I wondered as I walked to my next class.

Today was going heaps blurry. I don’t even remember what happened in Science. It being recess now, I went to our usual brick wall – which I believe Laura gave named it weird – and waited for everyone else to arrive.
Only seconds after arriving, Gabby, Olivia, Chloe, Mini Rachel, Rafiqa, Laura, Sam and everyone else arrived. “Ew, those things are coming,” I heard Laura say.

I looked to see she what she was complaining about this time. Walking towards us was the social rejects of our year, Sheridan, Sarah, Georgia, Teresa and Rosemary. “Hey Sam,” Sarah called out shyly.

“There back,” I heard Sam whisper to Laura.

“Hey Sammy,” the short one called out.

“Oh yeah, hi,” he replied not caring.

“Can you please leave our group?” I asked politely as I could.

“Hey! Only I can call Sam, Sammy. Get your own friends,” Dean yelled furiously.

I saw Rosemary walk closer to Sam, reaching her hand to his. Sam flinched back as far as he could but Rosemary kept coming closer. “Ew seriously, step away, you’re a bit close,” Laura asked politely.

“You’re just jealous that Sammy loves me and not you,” Rosemary replied as she finally got Sam’s hand in her own.

Sam had a painful look on his face like he was about to die. He turned to Laura, Dean, to anyone who would hopefully help him but they just started to laugh as Rosemary got closer and closer. Laura stopped laughing and pulled Rosemary of Sam. “I told you to leave him alone!” Laura replied infuriated.

“Someone’s jealous now aren’t we?” one of the others teased.

“Come on Sammy, let’s go somewhere private. Just me and you,” Rosemary told in a very creepy voice.

Sam’s eyes widened in fear and was about to run until he realised he couldn’t move.
Laura was getting fed up now and pulled Rosemary back again but this time she didn’t go willingly. She slapped Laura across the face. This put Laura to the edge and the social rejects group just burst into laughter, setting Laura off even more. Laura looked like she was going to kill them before Sam was holding her back. They took a step back before turning around and walking off. Sam let go of Laura so she could sit back down. “Well there not so tough are they?” I laughed watching them walk away.

“They’ll be back,” Laura concluded.

We sat out the rest of recess talking about anything. Not long the bell rang for class, so we all took our time getting up and saying goodbye. Mini Rachel, Rafiqa and I walked to our Math class where the Dungeon is. We waited for ten minutes for the teacher to arrive after the second bell. In Math, we had no idea what we were learning about, like usual since the teacher just talks and talks without helping us. We were learning about stuff none of us had a clue to do. Class was short, with a lot of laughing and giggling that we tried not let the teacher hear. Still I had this feeling that something had happened to Rachel and I was afraid she could be seriously hurt. “Are you sure you haven’t heard from Rachel since yesterday?” I asked concerned.

“Sorry but we haven’t, I’m sure she’s alright, she could be sick,” Mini Rachel assured.
“Yeah I guess so, but I just keep getting this feeling something’s happened. Oh well, guess I’m just paranoid,” I shrugged off, starting to calm down.

“How funny was recess?” Claire added in on our conversation.

Mrs. Sims just kept going on and on about the lesson as we nattered about the events of recess.

Thankfully that lesson was over and now lunch.
We walked out to the brick wall and sat down on spots that didn’t contain bird shit and where the others weren’t sitting.
“So are Rosemary and her group returning?” I asked knowing that experience wasn’t pleasant the first time.

“I know she will, I just hope it wont be anytime soon,” Laura responded, not really paying attention to the conversation.

“By the way, where’s Sam?” Ella enquired knowing as well as we all did that Sam is always with her.

“No idea, he was with us at lunch, but disappeared afterwards,” she replied looking really upset.

“Hey what’s wrong?” another member asked over and over again.

“Nothing,” Laura replied as usual.

“Hey losers, have you seen Sam?” Rosemary demanded coming up to us again.
“Your calling us losers?” I replied laughing.

Everyone else joined me in laughing and with Rosemary giving me the evil stare. I quickly stopped before I get slapped like Laura did – though that was funny. “No we haven’t seen him. Maybe his with Dean,” I replied, praying she’ll leave.

“Oh yeah, he said they had to leave early today to continuing packing,” Laura added, just remembering what she was told in Math.

“Well there you go, you can leave now,” I finished, continuing my conversation with Mini Rachel whilst she walked off furiously.

The day was almost over. We only had one class left. I had Photography, another class I had with Rachel. Luckily I had Juliana, a friend from the group I used to hang out with before I met Rachel.
I stalled for as long as I could before I had to go in. Talking to anyone I knew about anything we could think of. It didn’t last for long, but I’ve got five minutes less of this class.
All I needed to do this lesson was take photos, with the help of Rachel. So I asked Julz to come help. She was relentless at first, but I finally got her on board. We walked outside to the oval to find something of interest. It took half an hour of taking random pictures and trying not to waste all of the film to find something interesting.
When we returned to class, we only had a few minutes left. I handed back the camera to the teacher and sat down at the back of the classroom waiting for the bell.

Luckily for me, I didn’t have to walk home since I lived too far of walking distance, so get to catch the bus.

Once I got home, I got ambushed by my mum. “Where have you been? The teachers told me you wagged yesterday! Is that true? Were you pressured into wagging?” she demanded.

Before I could respond, I saw my older sister come out from the living room. “Bec!” I cried out running to hug her.

“Where’ve you been? Mum told me you were missing so I came up,” she replied.

“I fell down the stairs at school and friends of mine helped to Laura’s house so I could recover, and since I wasn’t badly hurt I didn’t need to go to the hospital,” I explained.

“Thank goodness, well you must be hungry, go get changed and I’ll make you lunch,” mum finished walking into the kitchen.

Rachel better be here tomorrow. I thought as I walked into my room.
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this chapter mightn't be as good as the others lol it was mainly rushed