Guitarist and the orphan

Chapter 1

A man and his fiance were going to get married.
They planned out there theme already. They wanted a summer theme. They thought it would be nice. Flowers blooming, the sun shining, pink cherry blossoms falling down.Especially the sweet summer aroma. They wanted there honey moon at Paris a picnic at a point where they can see the Eiffel tower. They wanted to spend the night at a Five star hotel. The presidential suite with the bed covered with roses.

The man waking up from his sleep with his fiance right beside him. He sits up whispering in his fiance's ear "Two days before our wedding dear." Hearing his voice she says smiling "I know, i can't wait for it." The man's fiance gets out of the cover and sits up. The man takes her chin and raises her face to his eye level. He smiled saying " You still have those same beautiful eye's that I loved." The fiance looking at him in a weird way and says sarcastically " So what, your trying to say I lost it?" The man mumbling and says " I never said that, did I?" in a joking matter. They both look at each other and smile. Then The mans fiance grabs a pillow and throws it to him laughing. Then she stops and says " You better not say that again mister or your in trouble." as she starts laughing again. " I would say it again if you would kiss me. "He proclaims proudly smiling.

"Lets go shower." he added. Race you to the shower's." pushing the man down. "I'll be right there."said the man fixing the covers. "Get the tub ready"' The man said. As the fiance closed the door the man whispered to himself " I can't wait to get married." Once the man was done fixing his bed. He rushed to the restroom to meet up with his fiance.

As the man open the door. All he saw was the tub filled with water. The man says to himself "where is she?" The fiance pops out from behind the door scaring the man. Don't do that again." he said panting loud. The man's fiance pouts and says " I was just playing around."The man grabs her by her waist and puts her in the tub. "Thats what you get for scaring me" he said laughing. The fiance grabs his arm and pulls him in. They both start laughing.

So after they showered, they both got ready for work. The man as a guitar teacher and his fiance as a cook for a 5 star restaurant. With the man's job ending at 6 o` clock Pm and the fiance's job ending at 5 o` clock. She prepares food for them.

When the fiance came from her job she starts cooking. As the fiance was cutting vegetable she was humming a lovely tune. She then puts the meat in the pot and lets the oil cook/heat it. She then goes up stairs and lies down waiting for the food to cook. "I wonder how our wedding is going to be?"she says to herself. The fiance closes her eyes trying to picture it. And falls asleep. Her food still cooking heats up and burst into a grease fire. Then it popped out and burned the near by curtains and turns on fire which cause the whole house to go on fire. As the man got Home he saw his house on fire and rushed inside to see if he's fiance is safe somewhere he rushes in and barges in the front door. The ceiling in front of him fell;the house weakens from the fire. "Shit" he yelled out. Then he yells again saying his fiance's name. He had no way to get anywhere around the house so rushed back out. The man quickly rushed to the fire department and requested for help.

When he returns with the fire department the house was burnt to the ground. In the piles of rocks he finds his fiance's necklace and shoe.....