Guitarist and the orphan

Chapter 3

As the officer woke him up the man sat up,eye's still swollen from crying. The officer couldn't help, but notice it. The officer sits down beside the man and says " What is your name ?"
"My name?"the man asked seeming scared " Yes, your name I'm not taking you any where."said the officer chuckling. " My name is Rowen; Rowen Spence." he said straight out."So why is your eyes swollen." said the officer suspiciously. "Are you on drugs?" " No sir." Rowen replying quickly. " You see i just suffered from a house fire with my fiance in the house." Rowen said solemnly." When did this exactly happen?" the officer asked looking concern. Yesterday, after i got home i saw the house on fire and i rushed in to see if my fiance was inside the house." Rowen said in a sad voice. " What was your fiance's name?" asked the officer. "I haven't done anything wrong so stop acting like i did something wrong!!" Rowen yelling at the officer.the officer just looking at him in a weird way. "I'm not accusing for anything I'm just curious and concern for you ` cause it usually makes people suicide."said the officer. So back to the question."he added. Rowen letting out a loud sigh. "Sorry for that, Her name is Kelsey Gee " Rowen said. "So Gee is the last name of your fiance?" "No sir its Smarty."Rowen said. "Can you kind of explain to me what happen?"The officer asked. So Rowen rambled on telling the officer every detail he can tell.

As Rowen went on. The officer had gotten a call from his radio. A lady saying " All available officer please help the ambulance team with an injured person." " I have to go now Rowen I'll see you around." said the officer as he stood up. So rowen thought of starting his day, but didn't know how. He couldn't shower, change, or anything so he couldn't go to work. He had only the money in his wallet. The rest of his saving were in the house.

Rowen walked the streets alone thinking " What am i going to do. I have only 200 hundred dollars, how is this going to support me." he said. He soon remembered that he was a guitar teacher and could play guitar on the streets for people. He rushed to the guitar store and bought the cheapest acoustic guitar he could find. So he can have enough for food. He had 50 dollars to support him for that day, so he bought cooked food and his money lasted for 2 days.

Rowen clothes tattered and dirty. His body bruised and messy. Rowen starts going street to street playing for people. In one day he made enough for the rest of the day. Rowen traveled from place to place. As Rowen was walking in the streets he said in a low voice" only of Kelsey were here with me, even if the house burnt down it would make me more happier."
What am i going to do now?" he couldn't kill himself `cause he didn't have the guts to.He decided to end his day and fall asleep yet again at the park bench. He used the guitar as a pillow.

Another few days past and Rowen does the same thing everyday since the fire incident. So he decide to do something new and hit up in a train and stayed there so he can go somewhere new, there he met up with other people like him. 'May i join you gentlemen?"
Rowen said. "Of course, we don't mind the company. " They said. "I see you have a guitar, so you play?" they asked. "Yes." Rowen said gratefully. 'I was once a guitar teacher." He kindly added. "Can you play for us?" they said to surpass time as they wait. So Rowen picked up his guitar and sat down. He started playing guitar. The guys in the train were shocked with his guitar skills. Rowen seemed to give them hope with there lives with his music. 'So how did you like the song?"Rowen said. "It was absolutely amazing." one of the man said amazement.

Once Rowen hit a stop down at a new state he exited the train saying his goodbyes to the people in the train. He soon started his daily routine again. He played street by street. Hoping he'll get enough money for his food. but he only made enough for a quick snack for dinner. So he decided to eat in an cold, dark, damped alley. Where he met an orphan who seemed like he hasn't eaten for days. Rowen walked up to the boy and reached out his hand. "You eat it." Rowen kindly suggested. So the orphan did as he was told. "Why are you here?" Rowen asked.

"You see my parents were separated i lived with my mom who soon got ill from her divorce."
the orphan said weakly. "My sister on the other hand was with my dad and she has it good."he added. "So why didn't your father take you in?"Rowen asked. " He didn't know that mother had passed away and we live in different countries." the orphan said. Whats your father's name?" Rowen asked. "His name was Aurther Smarty." "Aurther...Smarty.." Rowen said shookingly. "He lives in Washington D.C."the orphan says. Rowen then remembered Kelsey telling him the same story about her mom and brother. "Are you Wilt?" Rowen asked.
"Yes i am " he said nervously. "How did you know my name?"Wilt said. "I know your sister and father. Your sister's name was Kelsey Gee right?" Rowen said. "Yes, my mom told me that she was pretty ." " Yes she was I'm her fiance."Rowen said. 'You?"Wilt said in way. "There's no way." he added. 'No wait let me explain" he said. So he explain everything that happen. Wilt did not believe what he was hearing. " So where's my father?" He asked. 'At Florida. " " So my sister is dead?" Wilt asked. "Yes and I'm sorry i couldn't protect her." Rowen said as Wilt started crying. 'I can take you to your dad if you want." Rowen said.Wilt still crying said "yes would please." Rowen asked " Where are we though?" He asked.
So the boy started explaining.

So after there talk to both went to sleep. Planning to set off to find a way back to Florida.
In the background of the alley a cops radio goes on saying I am looking for a man named Rowen, No house, No job. We have located his fiance. And she is looking for him with her father. Rowen couldn't hear `cause he was sleeping.
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Sorry if it isn't as suspenseful trying to be detailed, the next chapter will be about the thugs they meet up with .