Dreams Only Last for the Night

Alex's Confession

Alex's POV

After my friends and Riley left, I started freaking out. I can not have a baby, I'm not mature enough to be a father. What will my parents say when I tell them? I know they will be disappointed in me. Why did this happen to me? I laid down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling, when my mom walked into my room.

"Are you okay Alex?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just thinking," I said looking up at her.

"Alright, your father and I are going to watch a movie if you would like to join," she said.

"No thanks, I have to call Riley," I said.

"Alright, sweetie," she said leaving the room. I grabbed my cell phone, dialed Riley's number, and waited for her to answer.


"Hey Ri."

"Hey Alex."

"I was just thinking about this whole situation."

"Me too. Would you be mad if I told my parents alone?"

"Not at all," I said relieved.

"Can you tell your parents?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said, instantly regretting it.

"Alright, well my parents are both home right now so I'm gonna get ready to tell them."

"Okay, bye Ri."

"Bye Alex, I love you."

"Love you too," I said before hanging up. I sighed and decided that now would probably be a good time to tell my parents, that way I could get it over with. I slowly walked downstairs, and sat down on the couch across from my parents.

"What up son?" my dad asked. My dad is one of those parents who tries to be 'cool', and 'hip'. It doesn't work of him.

"Um, not much," I said calmly.

"Alex?" my dad asked.

"Well I may need to talk to you about something," I sighed.

"What is it dear?"

"Um, uh," I stuttered

"Out with it, Alex," my dad said.

"Riley is pregnant," I blurted out.

"What!" my dad yelled.

"You heard me," I said.

"Are you sure?" my mom asked quietly.


"Are you sure its yours?" my dad asked yelling. I looked up at him wide eyed.

"Are you implying that my girlfriend would cheat on me!"

"Yes, I am. How do you know she doesn't sneak around?" my dad yelled

"Because she isn't like that!" I yelled back.

"How do you know!" my dad fought back.

"Enough!" my mom yelled. we both sat back down. I buried my head in my hands, tears of anger, frustration and fear, we spilling from my eye.

"Well how does he know its his, seriously?" my dad yelled at my mom.

"Just go the fuck away, alright!" I yelled at my dad without looking up. I heard him storm out of the room, then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh Alex," my mom said pulling me into her arms.

"I'm scared," I admitted, "I can't do this."

"Is she keeping it?"

"Yeah, and I told her I would help her, but I'm so scared, and I don't think I can do it," I said looking up at her. She whispered the remaining tears off my face and hugged me.

"You'll be fine Alex, I promise. Your great with your younger cousins, I'm confident that you can have this baby."

"Thanks, I needed that," I said hugging her back.
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