Kiss My Textbook

Party Hats

Three weeks and five days until Gerard, my prince, would graduate and then later on leave me for college. It was his birthday and I was still in my saddened state of mind. I didn't let it show on Tuesday when Gerard took me out dancing but the thought was nagging me. I told Gerard that I was going to come over today so we could spend some time together. I had Gerard's gift in my backpack wrapped in a blue bow that was poorly tied due my lack of decorating skills.

I walked to door and rang the bell anxiously waiting for it to open. "Frankie-kins! Darling! Come on inside! The festivities have just started," Bert exclaimed when he opened the door his hand placed on his hip girlishly.

I swallowed my laughter, "Hi Bert." He pushed me inside harshly landing on the couch next to Quinn.

"Ello Frank," Quinn said grinning.

Mikey ran downstairs so after with Ray and Bob following closely behind. "Is birthday boy out of his dungeon yet?" Mikey asked fixing his glasses.

"No," Bert stated shaking his head, "But how about we send dear old Frankie to go get him."

I stood up from the couch and began walking to Gerard's room. I then felt a playful slap on my butt.

"Remember to use protection, Frankie," Bert said wriggling his eyebrows.

I just kept walking down the stairs that led to the basement. I came face to face with his door and heard nothing from it. "Gerard?" I knocked on his door lightly and it opened creaking loudly. I stepped inside looking around for any sign of Gerard only to find none. "Gerard?" I asked aloud. No answer. I walked over to his closet and saw the door slightly opened. "Is my prince hiding in the closet?" I opened the door to only see clothes and shoes. I was ready to go back up when I saw an open sketchbook on the floor. I bent down and grabbed it flipping through its pages. Pictures of comic book like characters filled the pages some with color some without. I came to a picture of two men dressed in super hero garb with the taller one holding the smaller one close on what seemed to be a cloud. Underneath was a line scrawled in what I believed to be Gerard's hand writing.

Whether above the city skyline or under a bridge I'll always hold you.

I couldn't help but smile at the drawing and its inscription underneath.

A door opened startling me out of me sweet moment. "Frankie?"

I turned myself around to see Gerard standing dripping wet with only a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. My jaw dropped slightly as I took in his beautiful form standing on an angle to me.

"Frankie? Are you alive in there?"

I snapped back to reality not noticing that now Gerard was crouched in front of me with his towel slowly slipping off him. My hand reached out to touch his porcelain smooth chest and my cheeks reddened. I lightly traced over his pale skin. "You're so beautiful Gee," I said looking into his eyes.

His cheeks reddened so he looked to be a cherry with black hair.

I took a deep breath and kissed him on the lips, "Happy birthday." I stood up from the floor not knowing how I got there in the first place. I reached around my back taking my backpack off and opening it to get Gerard's gift. I spotted the blue bow quickly and pulled it out. "I got you something," I spoke handing him his gift.

"But I never told you it was my birthday or anything so you shouldn't of gotten me anything," he said taking the box and sitting on his bed to open it. I took a seat next to him.

"Mikey and his buddies told me about it and I wanted to get you at least something."

"Of course Mikey would do that." He un-wrapped his gift and gave a good look at it. A smile formed on his angelic face as he marveled at what I had bought him.

"You like it?"

"I absolutely adore it Frankie. I was in need of new painting equipment. But it must have cost you a fortune Princess. I know this brand very well and it's very expensive."

"It's no big deal since it's your birthday."

Gee put his gift aside and hugged me. His warm body met mine and I knew I didn't want him to let go.

Minutes passed and we stayed in the same spot until Gerard spoke into my neck. "We should head upstairs before they think we're fucking instead of cuddling."

I nodded silently as I was released from Gerard's arms.

We made our way slowly up the stairs after Gerard had dressed himself (I did not watch because I would then feel bad). I stopped us halfway up the stairway and took both of Gerard's hands in mine. "Hey Gee?"

"Yes Princess?" He asked.

"I've got to ask you, are we boyfriends?"

"Do you want to be mine?"

"Yeah I do."

"Then Princess I'm your boyfriend."

I kissed Gee happily and dragged him up the stairs to where everyone was wearing party hats and playing kazoos.

"Happy birthday, Gerard!" Everyone said in unison.

Gerard smiled at the crowd and the festivities continued on. We had cake and watched Gerard open his presents. The party died down a little after an hour so we decided to sit and talk.

"Let's talk about the next big party," Bert started, "So how long until graduation Gerard?"

Everyone in room grew silent and Gerard's eyes grew wide. I froze at the thought of Gerard leaving. My sight became blurry and my breathing shortened. I felt everyone's voice cave in on me until they were suffocating me. I lost control of myself and everything went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello everyone! Poor Frankie has blacked out! I think he needs a hug!

Frankie: I don't need a hug! I need a pillow, my blankey, and Gee!

Oh my! I guess Frankie has decided to make an appearance in the Author's Notes box! So Frankie what's going to happen next chapter?

Frankie: I don't know since you haven't written it yet! Now where's Gee?

Gerard: I'm right here Princess.

Frankie: Gee!

Gerard? Oh god.

Gerard: *wraps Frankie in arms* Well me and Frank are going to go now! Comments for us? *gives puppy dog eyes* Bye anyway! *runs away with Frankie to bedroom*

*door slams*
