Kiss My Textbook

Dancing With My Star

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and a little bit happy. I walked over to my windows and pulled the blinds up letting the sunshine through. I had woken up extremely early but I wasn’t feeling irritable as I usually did. I decided to make myself look extra special today.

It was warm outside and the sun was shining beautifully, a perfect spring day. I pulled out my black skinny jeans and my green top from my closet and set it on my bed; it was a green day in my mind. I gathered the rest of my stuff and headed for the shower.

Once I got out of shower, I proceeded to do my hair up a bit. It was Friday, it was early and I was feeling good. I pulled out my hair straighter and curling iron from the cabinet under the sink. I plugged them in and let them heat up while I went back to my room to put on my clothes. I slipped easily into my clothes and then went back to my hair perfecting machinery.

I combed my bangs forward and straighten them first and then I curled the ends of the rest of my hair second. Afterward I put some green eyeliner on my eyes and I was ready to face the world. I heard the shower turn on in the distance, my mother had finally gotten up. I went downstairs to the kitchen and got out some cereal.

“Frank, I didn’t know you were up this early,” my mother said walking into the kitchen. Her hair was still wet but it looked like today was one of her better days. Ever since my father left she’s not so up to par in the looks department. I always told her to go out to those parties her friends invite her to but she always had her excuses.

“It’s a good day that’s all, a nice weather day, a green day,” I said taking a bite of cereal.

My mother glanced out the kitchen window and smiled. “So how was your session at Gerard’s house yesterday?”

Gerard had completely slipped my mind until that moment when my mother mentioned him. I swallowed hard and answered her. “It was fine mom, I’m making some progress.”

“That’s great to hear, I always knew Gerard was a nice boy and a great teacher.” She smiled again and went about to turn on the coffee maker.

I finished my cereal and went back up to my room to get my bag. I went back downstairs bag in hand and I was ready to leave. I looked over at the clock to see there was still another forty-five minutes until school started and it takes me about fifteen minutes to get there. I chose to leave then. “Bye mom, I’m leaving for school,” I shouted and then left.

I walked to school plenty of energy in me and feeling good about myself. I didn’t care about what happened yesterday with Gerard. It was a new day for me and everything would go my way. I went into a dance like walk as I neared school so much I was in my own mini musical. The song Love Today by Mika was pulsing in my brain while my feet just went in tune with the music in my brain.

The song ended in my head when I was at the front steps of my high school. It’s quite an ugly place well that’s if you think an old grey building that is falling apart is ugly. I took out my cell phone to check the time. There was only twenty minutes until school began and I didn’t want to go inside. The weather was too marvelous to be sitting inside that damp and dreary hell hole. I parked myself on the top step in once again a dance like fashion. I sat back on my arms and started looking at the clouds tapping my green converse clad feet.

After a while people started to show up to school but that didn’t stop my cloud watching. I checked the time again and saw it was five minutes until the warning bell rang. I stood up from spot, headed to my locker got my books for my first classes and went to class.

School had finally let out meaning I was free to do what I wanted and I didn’t have to see school until Monday. I dropped my books in my locker and skipped my way out of my school. I had finally made it to my street and I began to dance walk again. For that dance I chose to play Spur of the Moment by Ludacris in my mental iPod. Rap music doesn’t seem like my style but the lyrics of Ludacris weren’t as vulgar as some other rappers I had heard. I was on the second verse when I heard a chuckle from behind me automatically stopping my mental iPod. I was on my best dance move as well. I twisted around to see Gerard chuckling with a large textbook in hand.

“You stopped me during my best dance move,” I said glaring at him. Gerard stopped his chuckling and looked up at me. I finally had gotten a good look at him since the last time I saw him in the light. He was dressed in a short sleeve grey shirt with a pair of jeans that weren’t too baggy or too tight. His hair was draped over his left eye making him look extra scrumptious in my eyes.

“Oh, I did huh? You call that dancing what you were doing?” he asked walking up to me.

I nodded, “Well, it’s my life musical dancing. You got a problem with it?”

“No, but you sure don’t know how to dance.”

“I don’t see you doing any dancing so how would you know?” I asked getting in his face.

“Very easy,” he said dropping his textbook and wrapping an arm around my waist, “I watch a lot of Dancing with the Stars.” He dipped me and then twirled me around. I soon found myself in tune with his moves and we began to tango. He took the lead and we proceeded to dance a mean tango right there on the sidewalk. I knew we were getting toward the end of our little dance as he started his finishing move and I soon dropped myself to the ground ending with a pose.

We both kept still for a moment and I had begun to laugh as did he. I had never had so much fun in my life. I soon got up from the sidewalk and Gerard grabbed his textbook. We parted ways there as his house was the next one and I had to walk pass at least five more to reach mine. I started to dance walk again reliving those moments of me and Gerard dancing together. No music or anything just us and the sound of the world.

I reached my door and went inside my house sighing as I closed the door. I walked into the kitchen and got out some stuff to make dinner. I’m no cook but, I can put together a decent salad at least. Grabbing lettuce from the crisper with some tomatoes and some already cooked chicken I made a nice size chicken salad and put it in a large serving bowl. I glanced at the clock, seeing that my mother wouldn’t be home for a couple of hours I served myself some salad then I covered the salad and put it in the refrigerator. I took my salad and fork to the living room sitting myself down in time for the start of Dr. Phil.

I heard the door open and was startled out of my eating and nodding at what Dr. Phil said routine. My mother walked in with grocery bags in her arms. I put my salad down and grabbed some bags from her and placed them down on the kitchen counter. “Mom you’re home early.”

“My boss let me out early today since,” she took a deep breath, “I got the employee of the month award!” My mom smiled widely and looked truly happy for once. I gave her a hug and she started doing a happy dance. “I told you things were going to get better Frankie. I told you so.”

“I know you did. Congrats, Ms. Employee of the Month,” I said pulling a carton of milk out of a grocery bag and placing it in the fridge. “I made chicken salad, so if you want some mom it’s ready.”

My mother let out a happy sounding squeak, “Another one of my Frankie’s famous chicken salads!” She always knew I couldn’t cook so she always liked it when I made a salad since I got creative with them. I continued to put all of the groceries in their rightful places in the kitchen and time went by.

I went to bed that night with a smile on my face one reason because I danced with Gerard my gorgeous math tutor and my mother seemed to be looking on the bright side of life again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here it is my pride and joy of this story! I love chapter three because of the dance scene! Now from here on out I shall update when I can since I have two other stories that are doing fairly well and may be of interest to you all. So if want to take a look check out my profile and you know where to go from there. I hoped you all ejoyed this chapter as much as I did.

Love and Doodles,
