Keep Out.


The show was fucking brilliant!

I don’t know how to explain how amazing it was, I mean even waiting nine hours in the heat passed in a flash- Gerard was persistent about being near the front. God, having so many people crammed against you really brings you to your senses, I mean, I’m a regular gig goer but I usually hang out in the mosh pit not in the front, where it’s all squishy. But yeah, being pressed so tightly against Gerard made things real, real quick; I loved the way we we’re a unit. Even through the crowd surfers and people pushing past we stood by each other.

The band put on a good show too; I’ll never second doubt softer bands. Just because they didn’t thrash around on their guitars didn’t mean they didn’t perform well. I love the way they owned the stage; more importantly I loved the way they made Gerard’s eyes sparkle in joy.

I wish I could make his eyes sparkle like that.

As hypocritical as I may now sound, I have to admit that I spend about sixty percent of the show staring at Gerard’s perspiring face. The slick beads of sweat that dribbled down the side of his cheeks turned me on more than I thought they would.

And the best bit, well part of the best bit is that after the support band Gerard was so buzzed up he actually kissed me. He kissed me I didn’t have to calculate a plan, he just turned to me as best he could due to our positioning and slapped his lips against my own before thanking me for the billionth time. In that second I couldn’t have been happier I didn’t give up on the tickets.

God the feeling of his lips against my own was fucking mind blowing, even though that first kiss was so innocent, it felt so good. Of course he returned to his shy demeanour afterwards but his confidence was a definite turn on while it lasted. God, just thinking about it gets my heart racing. They say, the first kiss you share is usually the one that sets the tone of your relationship, and if that was anything to go by, I’m going to be a very happy guy.

Of course as the show went on, I wanted more of the forbidden fruit and would often inflict my sloppy lips onto Gerard, luckily he never refused me, but he was always the first to pull away- his excuse being, ‘they’re will be loads more time after the show’.

Obviously, Gerard is a guy of his word (I can’t imagine him lying, he’s too good for that) after the show we took the bus back to my place and we spent a damn good time locking lips throughout the journey. Even though we both stuck of sweat and alcohol (people spilt it on us, we didn’t drink the whole night) the situation couldn’t have been more appealing to me. I love the way have Gerard’s confidence fluctuates, one moments he’s practically crawling onto my lap and the next he’s being super submissive.

I know there’s a beast inside of him and god do I wanna release it.

Did I mention that we also marked each other? Yeah we gave each other pretty healthy ‘love bites’ as Gerard likes to call them. Yeah well, we did, and Gerard’s tiny milk teeth chewed like no other.

God I must sound like a lovesick whore.

I don’t care.

My mum noticed them too, this morning when we we’re eating breakfast, she just laughed and told us the story of how she and her first serious boyfriend used to walk around with huge ‘love bites’ also.

But yeah, the night was easily one of the best ever. From the moment we met up to the
moment we fell asleep in each other’s arms – me trying not to pop a boner from having
Gerard’s body tangled up with my own. (let me tell you it was hard controlling myself)

Anyway, I’m going to go now, I promised I’d call my boyfriend ( I can actually say that) at 8:30.

Smell ya later.

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I'm so sorry i let this story die. I promise i will be getting it back on track now so there will be very regualr updates.

pls comment XD