Fake Boyfriend

Seize The Day

She cant leave me. I'd fucked up I get it. But I cant lose her I wont lose her.

"Abby, please stay." I begged her.

She shook her head and left the room slamming the door in my face.

I stared at the door for a good five minutes. I don't think I even breathed.

She cant leave. She said will talk tomorrow. She'll be here in the morning. Dear God Abby please still be here.

I grabbed my key card off the table and left our room and headed towards Zack and Tia's.

"Coming!" Tia yelled after I knocked on their door. When the door opened it was slammed straight back into my face. I glared at the door and pound again. "Go away you fuckhead!"

"Tia! Zack! Open this fucking door now!" I yelled on the top of my lungs and pounded furiously on the door. "She's fucking knows about the money" I yelled after they stayed quiet for a while.

"How did she?" Zack asked as he opened the door. I shrugged and entered the room. Tia was glaring at me and if looks could kill, I'd of died when I saw Abby, then be dead again as I saw Tia.

"She just did. I don't know how but she found out. She came into our room packing her shit. I tried to get her to stay and let me apolo-."

"Ha!" Tia laughed sarcastically. "You don't deserve to fucking apologize to her! You fucking fuckhead!" she yelled and tried to punch me.

"Zack control your girl!" I yelled through clench teeth. "I was fucking drunk! It was a fucking mistake and I want to make everything better because I love her.!" I hissed. "I fucking need her!"

"Syn breath" Zack said as he stepped in between Tia and me. Not that I would hit her, but she would rip off my balls if he wasn't. "Did you try to call her?"

I sighed and looked down at the ground. "No." I sighed.

"Right." he said and handed me the hotel phone. "Take a deep breath and call her." I started to pick up the phone when Zack yelled. "I said take a fucking breath you need to calm the fuck down!"

I took a deep breath before I punched Abby's number into the phone. I listened to the phone ring once before all our heads snapped to the table.

Seize the day, or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty, and cold without you here, too many people to Ache over
I see my vision bu-

I hanged up the phone and the music stopped. No.

I ran to the table before Zack even took a step and saw 1 Missed Call appear on the screen before the back lighting turned off.

I stared at the phone. This one little object just made me realize something...

She was gone and I may have lost her forever.

"She's gone." I heard Tia sob. I turned around and watched Zack try to comfort her.

I squeezed Abby's phone in my hand shaking my head. "Not if I have anything to say about that." I stated leaving the room, the hotel, and on to the airport.


I sat looking out the giant window that looked so much like the one in England. I watched as the planes took off and landed with such a gracefulness.

It's hard to believe I'm scared of them sometimes. They look so safe yet I'm terrified.

I'm scared to leave Europe by myself, and have no one to take care of me when I freak this time through.

"Someone scared of flying?"

"No" I stated. He gave me the 'I don't believe you' look. "Okay maybe a little." He gave me the look again. "Okay fine alot." I sighed.

He laughed and moved the arm rest that separated us up. He pulled me into his side with his arms around my shoulders. "Then I'll have to protect you. No way your slipping away from me."

I smiled cheekily at him and kissed his lips. "You promise, I wont slip away from you?"

"Promise." he said and kissed me again. I smiled as I rested my head on his chest.

Hmph. If only I could believe that anymore.

If I could of redid the whole night, I would have went with Brian right away instead of going to go change. I would have stayed with him the whole time. I'd be in his arms right now...

I shook my head of the thoughts. He shouldn't of put me in this situation of what ifs and redoing things over. He should've kept his fucking dick in his fucking pants.

Flight 109 to New York is now boarding.

Thats me. I thought to myself as I stood up and followed everyone in line.

I turned my head a little ways and looked over at the exit sign. Maybe he might make it... But no just a little boy and his mom.

"Tickets?" the steward asked me.

I zoned for a second looking at a boy, no older than me, who just arrived and run straight into a girls' arms. I smiled, maybe some people can find pure love.Pfft. I wonder how man times they cheated on each other when they were apart.

"Excuse me miss?" I came back into reality and looked at the steward. "Ticket?"

"Oh right, sorry." I mumbled with a frown. The steward smiled at me and I gave him a small one back.

"Enjoy your flight"

I nodded and walked towards the plane.

♠ ♠ ♠
The End. D'= sad

but good news looky => I'd Do Anything For A Smile can you say SEQUEL!!!!! so subscribe to it and I'll try to get it started soon!!!!!!!

&thanks to all of you that commented me! I fucking love you bitches!!!!!!! =D

&& Enjoy the SEQUEL! {giggles}

&&&{fact} I wrote this whole story in exactly one month!