Fake Boyfriend

Face Down

I took a deep breath as I didn't noticed the familiar blue Mercedes parked on the street. I looked up at the white curtains that danced as the wind blew through the opened the window.

"You okay Hun?" Tia asked as I rested my head on her shoulder . She was about two inches taller than me so I didn't have to bend much.

"Once I get everything out I will be." I sighed and followed her as we walked up the steps to the apartment.

"Zack can you get my laptop and my printer from the living room?" I asked and he nodded and exited to the living room as me and Tia walked intoour Nate's room.

I shuttered at the pens, papers, and coins that laided on me still laid on the floor. I opened my closet and pulled out a big bag and a suitcase. Tia began to tug my clothes off the hooks as I grabbed the things out of my dresser.

Zack came in after a while and help us with the clothes and took the bags down to the car as I gave one last sweep through the apartment I used to call home.

I looked at the black rectangle glass that was propped up on the coffee table in the living room. It was a picture of Nate and me. Before the drinking and the bruises. It was when I was the only thing that matter to him to keep safe and protected and now I was nothing to him.

"Ready?" I looked away from the picture at Tia. I looked down at her intertwined hands with Zack and smiled before I looked back at the picture and knocked it over so our once loving smiles were facing down and looking at nothing but the past.


{Brian's POV}

"Zacky I don't want her to be alone." I heard a voice whisper behind the slightly closed door of Tia and Zack's room. I leaned against the side and listen to them.

"I know babe. Abbs is like a sister to me and I want her to be happy even if we came cause it?"

"What do you mean?" Yeah what do you mean Zack?

"Well I was thinking what if we kinda hooked up Abby and Brian you know make them both happy." Zack said. What the fuck is he talking about I am happy.

"Your kinda going somewhere with this." Tia agreed.

Stupid bitch! No hes not! I'm fucking fine by myself.

"We have to do this sneaky." I scoffed mentally and pushed the door open and looked at them like they were idiots. "You need something Syn?" Zack asked.

"Don't you,'you need something Syn me'" I scoffed and shut the door behind me and walked in front of them. "I heard what you said and its not happening."

"Heard what?" Tia asked innocently.

I rolled my eyes. "Trying to hook me up with Abby. No thank you." I said and then something brilliant came into my mind. "Unless." I said and trailed off.

"Unless what?" Zack asked and tilted his head to the side.

"Unless, I could help make Abby happy. No need to keep such a pretty face sad."

"What are you up to Haner?" Tia asked looking me up and down like I was the plague.

I smirked at her. "I'll make you a deal."

"A deal?" Tia scoffed. "This isn't Vegas, this is my best friend."

"And you want her happy right?" I asked. She nodded. "Then listen well.

I'll make Abby happy, show her what a real honest relationship will be like and I'll treat her good."

Tia narrowed her eyes at me."Whats the catch."

"Tsk tsk. Am I really that bad?" I asked.


I glared and her and clicked my tongue. "Your smart."

"Thats why I'm dating her." Zack beamed and kissed her cheek. I shook my head and mentally thought 'whipped'

"Right so. I make Abby happy an shit and I-"

"What do you want?' She cut me off quickly.

I smirked. "One hundred for each thing I do right."

"I'm not paying you to date my friend." Tia remarked.

"Your right your not." I said and smirked. "Zack is."

Zack gasped but then looked at Tia. "Babe, just think about Abby right now. She deserves to be happy and Syn, even though he is a man whore." I glared at him burning a hole into the side of his head. "hes my best friend and I trust him."

Tia looked at him then at me as she thought about it. "Fine" she sighed then glared at me. "if you break her heart or you tell her we are paying you. I will make sure you cant reproduce Haner."she spat and stormed out of the room.

I smiled as I watched the door slammed and looked back at Zack.

"I'm going to go broke ain't I?"

"You bet. I'm going to be the best fake boyfriend ever!"
♠ ♠ ♠
cOMMENT pLEASE!!!!!!!!

♫Face down in the dirt she says, this doesn't hurt she says I finally had enough...♫