The moon in the mirror

19-year old Tsuki is caught in a war. On one end is the descendants of the people of light, the angels, the elementals, and the witches. On the other is the descendants of the people of the night, the primals, also known as ferals and lycans.

During a mission that he is dragged to, Tsuki is caught in the crossfire of a battle. He ends up on the wrong side of a river that divides two territories. He comes upon a fallen person, who he tries to heal, with no effect. Due to an accident, he loses his consciousness.

He wakes up with no memories in Lykos, the hidden city of the wolf primals' main pack. For his good deed, he is invited to stay in the royal family's castle and become a knight. He meets the soon-to-be alpha of the wolves, Damien, who assigns him as a personal guard. The more Tsuki is around Damien, the more he starts to remember things from his past. Something intrigues Tsuki about Damien, and Tsuki starts to realize he might be falling for the wolf prince
But not everyone is happy about the new addition to the pack. Tsuki finds himself racing against the clock to learn who he is, and learn about the origins of the war, before time runs out, and someone discovers who he is.
  1. Prologue
    The god and the goddess
  2. Tsuki Light
    The origins of Tsuki
  3. Beltane
    Young Tsuki story- 11 years later
  4. Full Moon
    An hour until battle
  5. Smoke in Lammas
    2nd of the Young Tsuki stories