Shut Up And Let Me Go

Why are you doing this to me?

Gerard hugged everyone except for me. I was just standing there waiting for him to do something. He looked at me.

''Was this your idea?'' He asked. ''Yea..well...kinda'' I answered. He gave me a long big bear hug. I was so happy. He then let go of the hug and smiled and looked into my eyes and said ''Thanks very, very much. I don't know how much trouble you went through do get all these people here for me. but...this is really special to me. Thanks you again'' And he gave me another hug. I can tell this was a happy cry cus he was smiling, the biggest smile I ever seen in a long time.

Aora then came up to me. ''Uh... principle called, she wants us back at the school, well not us....'you''' Aora told me. Why did she want me for? Did I do something wrong. I then became lost again. I just stood there, thinking of everyway she would want me for, and none of them made sense.

''Hey, Charlie, snap out of it'' Frank said ''Your right, this does happen to you alot. Remember when I lied to him, saying it happens to me all the time, well...its not a lie anymore.

Aora came up to me again, ''I told the band already that we have to go cus of our principles order. We can go now, just go say bye.'' And thats exactly what I did. While I was doing that Gerard thanked me again. I loved that I, We made him so happy.

A couple minutes later we got on the bus, me and Aora and Amber last so we can make sure we have everyone.

We got at the school about and hour later, and I immediatly went to the principles office. I knocked on the door and hear a 'come in' I enterered and saw my mom there.

''Where did you go?'' She asked as soon as I stepped in.

''I told you mom, Me and a couple of friends and some other people, made a field trip to see My Chem at the hospital.'' As soon as she heard 'My Chem' I saw anger build up in her.

''You know what?! enough of this My Chemical Romance! All their doing is brainwashing you, so you can listen to there music! And now were going home, and don't say anything, especially about 'My Chem'.''

We got home from the long, torturous drive from the school. I went up to my room and cried. And then cried even more, because I've noticed everything I had in here about My Chem. was gone! Even my C.D.'s were gone. I knew immediatly it was my mom. Why is she doing this to me?
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hope you liked it. comments?
and I'll probably update later, unless you tell me to update now then I will.
