Shut Up And Let Me Go

No, no, This isnt happening

I make a really loud sigh when I notice this. I quickly run down the stairs, and see my mom putting my My Chem stuff in the fireplace! I ran down the rest of the steps, right before she picks up the C.D.'s and push her over smacks her and kicks her, and scream in her face. ''Don't you ever take this away from me! Your horrible!'' I took the CDs and make a run for it before she got up. I ran out of the house and down the block. Then stop to take a breather. Then I breakdown in tears. Why is she doing this to me? Just cus she doesnt like them, it doesnt mean I should go through the torture. And you might think I'm making a big deal out of it, well yea....they saved my life. I like to treasure things, especially these CDs.

After a few minutes I walk down the block some more, aimlessly. I have no where to go. If I go back home she'll beat the shit out of me. Maybe I can go over Ambers or Aoras. Hm... I'll go over Amber's since she's my closest friend. I start walking towards Ambers house. I reach her block. A car pulls up close to me just when I turn to enter her block. ''What the fuck?'' I whisper to myself. The persone who's in the car rolls down the tinted window and reveales themselves.... it was Gerard, and his band.

''Heeey Charlie, what are you doind out here so late?'' Gerard asked in a cute voice

''Uh...I'm heading to Ambers. Going to spend the night.''I explained. ''If my mom doesnt find me there'' I mumble underneith my breath.

''What was that?'' Gee asked.

''Oh nothing'' I answered

''You wanna ride there?'' He asked again. Gosh! So many questions.

''No, no it's fine. Walking....good excersise. '' I answered. Even though I hated excersising.

''No, come in, I'll drive you. It's getting dark and crazy people are out tonight.''He said looking at our full moon. He's really superstitious.

''Alright...'' And I hop in the passenger seat up front.

I smiled to Gerard and feel someone breathing on my neck, but I ignore it. ''CDs...''Frank said behind me, he said it in a calm voice, not excited. He's really random.

''Yeah, CDs'' I said looking away confused.

''Our CDs'' Frank said again.

''Yeah, your CDs'' I said again looking away confused.

''Cool.....'' Frank answered about to say something else but didn't.

A couple minutes after my weird conversation with Frank we were at Ambers. ''Thanks Gerard.'' I thanked.

''No problem, you really made me happy today, and I want you to be as happy as I was and still am.'' He answered ''Here's my number if you need anything''

''Thanks.'' I shut the car door, and walk into Ambers house and see Amber, or course, Her mom, brother and dad, and my mom?

''Oh shit, my mom.''
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Hope you like it!!
comments? please? anyone?
Guess whats gonna happen next!....
