Shut Up And Let Me Go

Thank you

[A/N: Must read my Authors note at the bottom of this chapter!]

Wait, she wants me dead? Oh my god, She's gonna kill me!

''Naw, you don't wana excersise, your running away from your mom....''Gerard spoke

''Before she hurt me again'' I admitted

''Your face....expression.'' Gerard said. I got really confused.

''What?'' I asked.

''You look scared, whats wrong?'' He asked. I have to tell him, I lied to him to much already.

''My mom, she's not hurting me cus of the music I listen to, she hurts me cus your my heros.'' I start crying. ''Gerard! She wants me dead...''I cried even harder at this point. And of cource this could get worse, the cops heard and came up to us. I told him everything, and he immediatly went in the house to get her, the I hear screaming, my mom screaming 'I didn't do anything! You can do this, you fucker get off me!' And all the other shit she clames she didn't do. I cry more, and Gerard holds me close to him.

'''s okay, it will be over.......soon.'' He whispers to me. ''Trust me.''

''I trust you Gerard, I really do.'' I told him.

-The Next Day-

I wake up and thanks god its a Saturday. And I didn't wake up in my own bed because the police officer didn't want me home by myself. And your probably thinking, wheres my dad, right? Well he's in a different state doing police work there, he'll be back some time today. Then I have to tell him everything that went on, especially his wife being arrested.

I woke up on a big, comfy couch, in Gerard and Mikeys hotel room. Their already up. I look at the time, it reads 11:53am. ''Damn'' i whisper to myself.

''Morning Sleepy head.'' I hear a voice say.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey, you like?
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Im going to update twice or three times tomorrow for the rest of the week, sorry, I'm camping with my dad, and there's no computers sorry. I'll try to update as much as I can to keep you lovley readers, reading.

And keep commenting, and subscribing, and reading, I want more everything. Or just keep it as a surprise. I'll be back like late Friday, early Saturday. Sorry again guys.
Your the best though!
