Shut Up And Let Me Go

I'm The Little Damn ***er?

''I'm the little damn fucker? I'm not the one who got sent to jail.''I told her, getting pissed off.

''Look, I'm sorry Charlie for what I did, I'll try to be a better mom for now on. I learned my lesson.''

''Sorry my ass, your a psycho! Psychos don't get better unless they go to threapy.! you just called me a fucker, yea thats really nice. whats next? Go fuck yoursekf, you little demon assholed mother fucken bitch! hm...?'' I scream.

''Sorry! God, It's a little hard-''My mom tried apologising, I cut her off.

''Its not hard, If you love me it shouldn't be.''I tell her calmly.

''Charlie, it's hard, I don't fully addmit that I don't love you, give me another chance and my mind would change, I promise.''

''Ok, but I'm not changing the way I act for you.''I told her.

''Ok, I wasn't going to ask.''She replied.

''Sure....''I say. We hug, surprising right? But I don't hug her like loving like just so she won't feel effended.

''Oooo, whats going on here?''My dad interupts.

''Nothin.''I say, blushing.

''You guys are friends again?''My dad asks

''Yea, not best friends just friends, for now.''

''Oook, well dinners here.''

''Oh, cool whats for dinner?''I ask excited. I was starving.

''Pizza.''He answered.

''Yay!''I yelled happy, I love pizza.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not exciting right? Sorry.

Comments though.
Next Chapters exciting lmao

Lets welcom my Best Friend who just joined. lol i made her...jk jk
comment her profile! Make her feel welcomed. Her user shall be: juliemarieeee x

Ok! My sisters story, MUST READ! its amazing, seriously.
Username: Phuck Me?!
READ HER DAMN STORY! lmao if you want. jk YOU MUST!

love yous! *gives out pizza. And!...Gerard and Tre' dolls
*for some reason, my friend tazz said somethin that made me fall off my comuter chair!
