Shut Up And Let Me Go

Will my life ever be good again?

What? I'm so confused. Gerard presses his lips close to mine, and I'm not injoying it.

''Gerard!''I yell. He ignored me. He takes me by the arm again, and throws me on the bed. He gets ontop of me.

''What?!''Gerard asks.

''What are you doing! Get off of me!.''I yell at him again. He finally stops.

''Whats a matter?''He asks like notings wrong.

''Everything Gerard, Whats the matter with you? This isn't you. Why are you doing this?''I said asking a million of questions at once so he won't start again.

''God Charlie.''He sighs and gets off of me. I close my eyes and sigh. This really wasn't him. I understand he loves me but this? This is going to fast. If he thinks this will change my mind....its not, it just won't. Before I knew it he jumped ontop of me again.

''Gerard!''I scream. ''Get off of me!''Hes totally ignoring me. Just when I thought this couldn't get any worse, he starts to strip me. I try pushing him off, but he's to damn strong. And finally, the worst part ever, were only in our underwear now. He reaches to take my bra off. I couldn't let this happen. I take all my strength and use it. I push him off as hard as I can. Well not that hard because hes still on the bed, but at least he's off of me.

''What the fuck Gerard!''I yell and slap him. I take my clothes and make a run for it. But I was just a little to slow, he grabs me by the arm and again makes me go into a half circle so I'm facing him.

''Charlie....''Thats all he said, in the worlds calmest voice.

''What.''I say. I'm injoying it anymore, be so close to him, literally. I thought my life was going to be better now, me and my mom getting along, me and Gerard being friends, having my dreams come true. I'm just wrong, right when something good happens, something terrible happens. It's like a chain reaction,.

''Look Charlie, I'm sorry.''Gerard apologized.

''Sorry my ass.''I try to make a way out of his arms but couldn't.

''Charlie, I don't know what was going through my mind. I'm not thinking. I'm sorry for what I did. I just...just...I don't know. You know I didn't mean it. I love you Charlie, I would never want to hurt you.''He said.

''But you did Gerard, you did.''

''I'm sorry. I understand if you don't want to see me again.''

''What! Never wana see you again! That's the first time you fucking hurt me, and you think right away I don't want to see you again. Uh...Hello! I give people second chances, unlike your aware of it!'' I walk away. I pick up my clothes again and go in the bathroom to change.

''Charlie...come here.''Gerard said.

I turn around so I'm facing him.''Not until your brain gets fixed.'' I turn around again after I see Gerards hurtful eyes when I said that.
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Gasp! Gerard was warnng her because he was 'in the mood' lmao.

And my dear friend Tazz was right. He was going to rape her. But Charlie stopped him.

Do you think they'll still be friends?
