Shut Up And Let Me Go

You don't know how much

I go into the bathroom to put my clothes back on. I look into the mirror and worry what I've become. Why did I say that to him? Did I mean it? I'm not even sure.

I walk out, I see Gerard on the bed with his hands in his face. I feel so bad.

''Bye.''I say in an apologizing but calm way. He didn't answer me, but I didn't feel like bothering him, so I just left.

''Hey, up top!''Frank said as a I walked out with his hand in a 'high-five' position. I ignore it.

''Not in the mood.''I say, having tears whell up in my eyes.

Franks P.O.V.

Whats up with her? Just trying to lighten up the mood. I head to Gerards room. I see him with his hands in his face.

''Hey Gee. What a matter?''I ask worried.

''Nothing, just a rough night, thats all.''

''C'mon dude, tell me. Whats up?''I ask again trying to get something out of him.

''No. Don't worry about it.''

''I have to worry about it, I can probably help you with it.''

''Why do you wanna know so bad?''Gerard asks with an additude.

''Cus, I hate seeing you down man, just tell me, It can't be that bad can it?''

''I guess not....''Gerard says.

''Okay, whats up then?''

''Charlie, I wanted know. And she smacked me. I wanted to talk to her, but she said, Not until I get my brain fixed....I don't know what to do.''

''Ah..she probably didn't mean it. She's just moody.''I try to make him feel better.

''Dude! I don't care if she didn't mean it, or she's just moody. You don't understand!''Gerard said tears coming down his cheek. ''I love her. Alot. You don't know how much I do and how much it hurts when she said that.''
♠ ♠ ♠
the next chapter is still Franks P.O.V.

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They'll make me update faster and more xD
