Shut Up And Let Me Go

Don't Feel Like Dealing With You Right Now

''Charlie, come on! Don't do this again!''Gerard yelled as I walked out the door. ''Come back!''

I just kept walking, ignoring everything. I hate fighting with him. I wish I wasn't so much of a drama queen.

I look behind myself to see if he's still following me. ''Crap.'' I whisper to myself. He still is, he's just far way. He won't be able to catch up with me.

I reach one of the elevators. I press the botton to go down, it's going so slow to get here. I look behind me again, Gerard's almost close.

''Dammit, come on! Hurry!''I say to myself. I look again. He's getting closer. I really don't feel like dealing with him right now. I just want to go home.

The elevator doors finally open. I walk in a press the botton for me to go to the main lobby, Right when the elevator door starts to close Gerard comes.

''Come on Charlie! Can we talk!''He yells to me. He tries to stop the door from closing, but he can't and gives up. I look around the elevator and see, three people just staring at me. There's a kid about 7 years old, another kid, well teenager about 15 years old and a mother. I notice the teenagers shirt, It's a My Chem shirt. She just looks at me like I'm crazy.

''You like My Chem?''I ask politly.

''Yea, a big fan. Was that Gerard?''She asks back.

''Uh...yea. You can say that.''I respond.

''You know him!?''She asks again getting excited.

''Yea, unfortunatly.''I say.

''Why unfortunatly?''She asks again.

''He's impossible to deal with. Seriously.''I reply sounding annoyed. I didn't mean to say or mean anything mean, hopefully she doesn't hate him now.

''Oh.''She says.

The elevator finally stops. And I quickly get out and look around to see if Gerards anywhere. And just my luck again! He's sitting in the lobby. He gets up and starts to walk towards me. I make a run for it. Theres fans of his in here so, that would stall him long enough for me to get out of the hotel.
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Likey? lmao

Comments please! I'm begging

I love you all!
