Shut Up And Let Me Go

The Best Day Ever

I keep walking, still upset that I'll probably never see Gerard again. And I began cry, when someone right behinds me, tackles me, or got pushed into me that made me fall. I'm not sure.

''Hey! Watch it!''I yell. The mystery guy gets up off of me and helps me up. Once I'm standing I look at his face. 'Holy Fuck.'I think to myself. It's the guy I had a crush on since 6th grade. Although I don't know his name. I never thought, I'd see him again.

''I'm so sorry.''He says back. He looks into my eyes and I feel a deep connection. He seen me before, I'm sure, because when I was in sixth grade walking to the buses alone, I always ended up walking next to him. And then this annoying kid comes up and pushes me. It happened everytime, Like he didn't want me next to him. And Steve always noticed me, and when he did, I'd see a smile.

''I'm Steve.''He introduces.

''I'm Charlie.''I introduced myself, smiling. He had, long black hair, he dressed the same way I do, but he always wears black. I'm in love with his look, but more importantly him. I love his personality, he's so funny, and he's the kind of person that makes your day. He has his rough days, and so do I, well everyone does.

We just stood there, looking each other straight in the eye, never focusing on anything behind him, or me.

I finally broke the stare, and said something.

''Well I have to go, home. My parents are going to be mad I'm home late, again.''I said.

''Oh, well, can I walk with you?''He asked. I knew I couldn't say no.

''Sure.''I smiled, and so did Steve.

We start walking home. Talking about nothing. I was so happy, like a clam. If that makes sense. I always wanted to be friends with Steve, and now, I'm walking with him. This could be, about the best day ever.

We finally reach my house, and we said our good byes.

''I'll see you around.''He said.

''Yea.''I answered.

I don't know what I felt, but I knew he felt it too. I felt some kind of magic, chemistry. And before, I knew it, our lips met. This is the best day ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh Oh. When or If Gerard finds out, he'll be pissed.

If it's short. I'm sorry.
Oh and sorry I didn't update in a few days, I wasn't allowed on the computer. >.<

