Shut Up And Let Me Go

Not Like, More Like Love

When we broke the kiss, we both smiled widly at each other.

''Uh..well bye.''I said still smiling.

''See ya.''He said.

I ran into my house and quickly started calling Amber. I ran upstairs into my room before she picked up.

''Hey, Charlie-lisicous.''She greeted.

''HOLY FUCK AMBER!''I scream.

''I'm sorry Charlie, I won't call you that anymore.''She apologised.

''No! Not that!''I yelled, calming down. ''You know the guy, that I always had a big crush on!?''I asked.

''Yea, that guy we always called the 'emo guy'.''She replied. Emo Guy was a rude name to call him, it was really mean. But we didn't know hiss name, so what would we have called him? The Dude?

''Yea, well I bumped into him, well he knocked me over, and we talked, his name is Steve, he walked me home, and...we kissed!''I yell telling her almost everything, missing details. Amber screams.

''OH MY FUCKIN' GOD CHARLIE!''She screams. ''Are you guys dating!?''She asked.

''No, we just met.''I said. It's common sense. Why would I go out with a guy I just met?

''Oh. Do you have his number?''She asks.

''Of course I do.''I answered.

''Oh.''She replies. ''Do you like him?''She asked.

''Not like, more like love.''
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Aw....I'm worring about Gerard, Aren't you guys?

Comments make me happy! And it makes my story more interesting! ^^
