Shut Up And Let Me Go

You Can't Hide From Me

I pick up the phone, even shakier then when I talked to Steve.

''Hello?''I greeted.

''Hey, hows everything?''Gerard asked.

''Just wonderful.''I answered.''You?''

''Everythings alright, it'll be better with you here though.''He answered, sounding depressed.

''Oh, same here.''I replied.

''Your not falling for anyone there, are you?''He asked. It's like he knew, just wanted to know if I'm going to tell the truth. Creepy.

'' Why?''I asked, scared, shaky, worried, every feeling there is, I was feeling, except for love.

''Oh well, it sounds like you are, like your lying.''He said.

''I'm not lying, why would I lie to you?''I asked.

''I don't know, you did it before.''He answered.

''Oh, I got to go. Bye.''I said, and hung up before he answered. I think this gave a hint that I'm lying. 'Please don't make him smart enough to figure put I'm lying.'I thought.

I take out my phone to text Steve, I don't feel like calling him. It wrote:

Hey, Steve.
Is it okay if I text instead of call?
xo Charlie

I press send to, of course, send it, and I recieve a text from Gerard.

I know your hiding from this, I know your falling for someone else.
You can't hide from me Charlie, you can't.
xx Gerard
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What are you thinkinh right now, about this?
