Shut Up And Let Me Go

I Know You!

It was so embaressing. I just wanted this period to end. Luckily, next period I had with my friends, thats is if they'll talk to me.

I slide down my chair so my head is still above the desk. And just sat there. Not paying attention to anything. The teacher soon came in and told me to sit up, this made Deanna and her posey laugh even more.

Mrs. Nepo started talking about, shapes. That I didn't care about, she was saying, no more like teaching us, the difference between a circle and an oval. I knew that already. ''Duh, an oval is more, taller, and less circular.''I whispered to myself. It wasn't the best explaniation, but it made sense, to me at least. After that I became really lost. I forgot where I was, why I was doing there, and how I can come back. I was in my own little world, that I soon became comfortable in. It was a world where everyone treated each other with respect. Everything was just perfect. Man, do I wish this was in real life.

''Ms. Morre, come back to earth. ''Mrs. Nepo demanded, bringing me out of my lost state. I was really mad at this, I loved being in my own little world. Everything was just alright. I was alright. I blushed with embaressment, and of course Deanna and he so-called friends started laughing.

''Girls, stop it.''Mrs. Nepo demanded to them too.

''Ha, who's laughing now.''I whispered to myself.

The period finally ended, and I was thankful that next period, I was with people who I felt comfortable with. Deanna was in this class to, but none of her friends were with her. Which made me feel special because she knew how I felt, sitting there all alone, no one to talk to, no one to have fun with, or even hang out with after school anymore.

I walked into the classroom after being tortured in the hall, when I walked into the room, I felt alive. I can't get embarressed in this class, because I was comfortable with them.

I noticed that we had a sub and remembered what me and Aora, and Amber, and Kyle do when a sub is here, or in any class. We always said the Pledge of Alligence in a different way. The My Chemical Romance way, Although, I don't remember it. We got in trouble the third time we did it, and we were told to never do that again. It was a while back, and my memory has faded. After all those times my mom hit me in the head, every hit made at least on thing to get loose and fly away in the wind, to never be remembered again.

The teacher introduced himself, I wasn't listening, I was spacing out, so I didn't hear a word he said except for: '' we have a student teacher, and its bring your kids to work day, so he brought his kid.'' He introduced the student teacher, and again, I didn't hear anything, but when his child comes in the class room, it was a face I reconigzed. I smiled so widly, I couldn't feel my lips. I loved this because I knew exactly who it was, it was Steve
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