Shut Up And Let Me Go

So Silent

I was sitting there in disbelief. I couldn't believe this. I thought for the answer long enough, all that thinking and ;how would Gerard feel about this?' Didn't even cross my mind. I was enthralled by this. I loved him, and I loved Gerard too. I actually don't know.

''It's okay, you can tell me the answer later if you want. I can wait. No need to rush.''I guess he saw my focused expression.

I smiled. ''Alright.'' I took a sip of my soda and waited there anxiously for the food to arrive. I was starving, havn't eaten all day.

I looked at Steve and noticed him looking straight at me, focused, like I was before, but even more focused, like he was trying to read me.

''Um....Steve?''I asked laughing.

''Hm..what? Oh sorry, staring into space.''He said looking down guilty and embarresed. I giggled and so did he.

We became having alot of silence after this. There were a few questions and answers, but none brought us into and whole discussion. I'm not used to all this quiet, even though I don't talk much during school, nor during the whole day.

Our food finally came and i heard Steve mumble underneith his breath 'Yum!...'' This made me laugh, making him laugh too.

I look at Steve and smile politly. He finally notices and smiles back at me. This made my smile even wider, making me feel and look like a total dork.

I look down at my plate, and become eager to take the first bite.

''Mmm....''I mumble. This is really good.

I soon became close to being finished and realize i shouldn't be such a pig so I stopped. I look at Steve and he's sitting there happily, pleased. His plate isn't done either.

We pay for our food after our long silence again, and began to leave. Bringing us into this whole converstation.

''That was really good.''Steve complimented.

''Yea, I wonder if there are any other good resturaunts like this.''I agree.

''Yea, so we can compare.''He laughs.

We finally reach Steve's car and get in casually. On the way home we finished our conversation. The other half and I thought about my answer for Steve. I have to admit, it was actually kind of easy.

We reach my house, and notice Gerards car is gone. I guess he left.

''Um.....Steve.''I began. ''Uh....I would love to be your girlfriend.''
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments, my dears.

Sorry I havn't updated in a while.
Stupid school and Meet The Teacher Night. Blah.

I know this so called Steve's name! I met him what, a few days ago. His name is John. I love his voice. I notice he has freckles to. lolz
