Shut Up And Let Me Go

Don't Be Silly

Steve smiled widly at me.

''That's great.'' I smiled too. I stepped out of the carm and made my way to the door, turning back, waving and smiling.

I stepped in still smiling with my head down.

''Hey....''A voice said. I looked up and noticed Gerard was sitting on my couch.

''Ello!''I greeted. "Where's your car?''

''Oh, Mikey took it home.''He said. ''How was this 'date'?'' By the way he said date he didn't like it.

''Oh...''I started, I wanted to tell him we're going out. I don't want to though. I don't feel like breaking his heart. On the other hand, he might not care, or...he might not love much anymore. ''It was great!''

''Oh.''His voice dropped. He was getting upset, if not already.

''I missed you, though. Sometimes on the date, I wish it was you there, not Steve.''I said in a calming voice trying to cheer him up.

He looked up with serious eyes. I couldn't help but look straight into them too. I walked over to him and sat next to him.

''Your lying.''He said with hurtful eyes. I looked away sighing. I looked back various moments later, looking straight in his eyes. I took his hands placed them on my lap then linking them to my hands.

''Gerard?''I started. ''I'd never lie to you.''I was being truthful. ''Your all I ever think about.''

He smiled, and just then I realized I loved Gerard more then I loved Steve. But everytime I see Steve, it's like I love him more. Same with Gerard. I don't know what to do.

''Aw, I love you.''Gerard said, lovingly. I wish I can say it too, lovingly.

''I-''I got cut off.

''I don't want you saying anything unless it's 'I love you' back.''He demanded. I giggled.

''Gerard, I love you too.''
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