Shut Up And Let Me Go

This Is Like Magic

Gerard looked at me surprised. He looked at me,and smiled. He looked away to catch his breath, then looked at me again.

''Oh my god, really?!''He asked.

''Yes.''I laughed. Gerard hugged me anf I thought 'What the heck!' and I hugged him back. It was probably the longest hug ever.

We finally broke out of the hug, and we looked at each other in the eyes, so loving, so passionate. It was like magic.

I toally forgot about Steve now, he really wasn't important. I couldn't even explain how much I loved Gerard. He was just....simply amazing. There isn't even a word to describe it.

We moved closer and closer. Me, getting anxious. Then, our lips met.

This was the best feeling I felt my whole life. All I wanted to do was be with him, forever. Even if it wasn't possible.

Our kiss wasn't like a make-out. It was more like, a kiss that lasted more then 2 seconds, maybe 7. I don't know. Wasn't keeping count.

Our lips unlinked, but our hands did. I looked at our hands making sure, for anything, and I smiled. I looked up at him, and he was staring right at me, with a tear sliding down his face.

''W-Whats wrong?''I asked. Did I do something wrong, is this wrong?

''Nothing, it's not a sad tear, it's a happy one.''He informed. I whispered 'Oh' and that was the last word.

''I love you.''He made sure I knew.

''I love you.''I said.

We had one more kiss. Then it was time for Gerard to go.

''I'll see you tomorrow.''He said. ''Your not going to school tomorrow, or are you?''

''Uh...I'll think about it. I'll let you know.''I said.

''Great.''He broke out into a smile.

''Of course.''I laughed.

He walked out the door, and I already missed him. I went to make my way upstairs, so I can do my homework, and relax. Right when I took the first step on the stairs, someone knocked on the door.

I opened the door, and Gerard was standing there. I smiled so widly, I felt like an idiot. He opened the door for me and our lips met again, this time it was just a peck.

''I love you.'' and he left.
♠ ♠ ♠

*gives out cupcakes and cookies! And milk!*
I love you all!
