Shut Up And Let Me Go


After I closed the door, I leaned against it and made a very big smile. It showed all my teeth, well, almost all. I loved him alot. I can't even say it enough. I went to go back upstairs when someone stopped me.

''How was the date?''My dad asked nosey.

''Uh....''I had to think. ''It was great.''

''Oh really? I heard you and Steve are going out now.''He said suspicously.

''Yea, we are.''I smiled as real as I can. ''Unfourtantly.''I mumbled.

''Oh. So what was that all about with Gerard?''He asked, knowing I couldn't get past it.

I didn't know what to say. I was clueless. I bit the side of my lip thinking of a possible way, that sounded like I was telling the truth. And....nothing.

''Uh.....''I closed my eyes. ''I don't know.''I sighed.

''Hm..? Really, now.''My dad replied. A tear slid down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly, but a few other ones betrayeded me. I took a run for it upstairs, not really the best idea. Figuring he can come up and talk to me, and there will be no way I can escape.

''Hey!''My dad yelled.

I completly ignored him. Running into my room, locking my door in the process, I ran to my bed and cried into my pillow. ''I'm a horrible person.'' I kept saying to myself. How could I say yes to Steve then say I love you to Gerard. I was cheating. That was all. I'm a person, that's laying here, crying, all because Steve asked me out, and I said yes, and then I walk in the house and kiss and say I love you to some other guy. But I have to admit. Gerard was the most important, but on the other hand, I also did love Steve, too.

I cried some more in my pillow, when I heard a knock on my door.

''Open up!''The voice yelled.

''Go away!''I screamed back. The voice didn't say anything else, though, I heard there feet walk away from the door, then smashing straight into my door, breaking it down.

I totally forgot my dad was a cop, but my dad wasn't the only one at my door. There were two other, angry, aggrivating, pain suffering people, who's names go by, Gerard and Steve.
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Comments please.

I started a new story, it's called This Is How I Disappear.
Hope you check it out! xD