Shut Up And Let Me Go

I Knew I Could Trust You

I got up as fast as I can in shock. How'd they get here so fast? And how'd they find out? I quickly wiped a tear that was coming down my cheek, and rubbed my eyes.

''Care to explain.''Steve offered. I just stared at him, with apologetic eyes. I was sorry. I gave the same look to Gerard, and my dad. I looked down afterwards.

''Hm...?''He said again. ''I said! Do you want to fucking explain or not!''

More tears came down from my eyes. I looked at Gerard to see if his expression can tell anything. He just looked very mad, and upset, too. I had no clue what to do from here. I was lost.

''Oh my fucking god.''I heard Steve mumbled. He walked towards me with his fits clenched. While he walked towards me he was saying something softly then got louder.''You better tell me, or you'll be sorry!'' As he reached me, he grabbed my hair bringing me to the floor. I cried even more, screaming because it hurt so bad.

''Hey!'' I heard a voice say. They pulled Steve off of me, I wasn't sure what happened but I'm pretty sure, they punched him in the face. ''Don't touch her!'' They yelled. I still had no clue who this was.

I felt a pair of arms pick me up bridal-style. My eyes were still closed, and I still didn't know who this was. I didn't feel like opening my eyes then having to look at Steve's unconciouss body, I think he was.

I felt us going down the stairs and going outside into the wonderful nice midnight air. It was very refreshing.

They placed me down on the ground where I faced them, they were breathing on my face. There nice, calming, minty breath.

''You can open your eyes now.'' They said.

I opened my eyesin reply. It took me a while to comprehend who this was.

''Gerard?''I asked wanting to make sure.

''Yup.''He answered. ''Your safe now.'' I smiled.

I moved closer to him, becoming very cold, hoping that he'll get my warm again. Gerard moved closer to me, knwoing that I was shivering. He smelled wonderful. It was the brand my dad used to use. I remeber. I breathed in his smell calming me down. Making all the tears, and fears, and everything that happened today go away. I loved it when I was here, with him, by ourselves. It made everything alot more magical, special. Everything amazing. I felt the warmth of his skin touch my arm, Rubbing back and fourth, making another shiver go down my spine. He quickly reacted and mover his hand.

''I'm sorry.''He apologised.

''No, no. It's okay.'' He rubbed up and down my arm. I loved the feeling of his soft skin. It felt so good.

Right now, I didn't think I was safe with him, I knew I was safe with him.
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Comments will make my day.

If this was suckish I'm sorry, it's late, i had a long day in school, and I'm sick.