Shut Up And Let Me Go

Party Time

I walked in the house closing the door directly as I came in, and everyone just screamed my name and gathered around me. Except for Frank he jumped on me. Everyone was so happy to see me. When I look at it now, i really havn't seen any of these people in I don't know how long.

I looked around, looking for Gerard. Couldn't find him. I sighed in dis apporval, I didn't want to say hi to everyone then actually say hi to him, in the middle of the party.

Finally, after a couple of minutes everyone settled down, and went back to talking and dancing. I somehow got into this small group with, Gerard's mom and dad, Mikey, his girlfriend who's name I don't know, and to other random people who I never saw in my life.

I started to feel awkward, so I looked around for someone I actually know, and feel like talking to right now.

I searched, failing miserbly. Everyone was having fun, and I didn't want to ruin theirs.

I walked out my group, thanking god they didn't realise.

I walked towards the kitchen, suddenly feeling thristy, when these two, long, pale, familiar arms wrapped around me. I turned around quickly, and realised it was Amber.

Her hair was now shorter. Maybe an inch above her shoulders, orangish-brown, with a hint of red in it. It was curled and straight all at the same time, and in a messy kind of way that looked...stylsih. She was wearing black skin tight jeans with a patterned black, white and orange blouse, the shapes on the shirt didn't make sense...but also looked stylish.

The last time I saw her, her hairs was long, longer than her shoulders, black, and she always wore band t-shirts.

She changed a lot since the last time I saw her.

''Oh my gosh, Charlie! I havn't seen you in a long time! How has it been? I see your going out with the singer of My Chem.! You are so lucky! I'm so happy for you! I've missed you so much! I can't believe I'm here at this party! With My Chem., all of our old friends, and you! Oh my, you have to tell me everything!'' Amber squealed.

I've realised, she changed alot, but her personality will always be the same, loud, abnoxious, and gets excited for every little thing.

''I'm great Amber...I am. How are you?'' I got distracted trying to find Gerard again, and noticed him fooling around with Frank, Bob, and Ray.

''...him so much!'' Amber finsihed. I didn't hear one word she said.

''That's great Amber, I'm happy for you, just....I wanna...''I didn't finish, I just walked away and I heard Amber mumble, ''Same old, same old Charlie.''

''Hey tiger.'' Gerard welcomed, and he kissed me passionatly. ''I missed you, where have you been?''

''Oh, talking with Amber. How she's so excited to see me, and all this other crap.''

''That's not nice, they havn't seen you in a long time and you treat them like that? Shame, shame.''He joked.

''Oh, uh... I was eager to see you.'' I smiled. I really was.

''So was I..'' and he kissed me again.

Now all I was eager about was the surprise he had in mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
The BIG surprise is in the next chapter!!

Comments will work just fine!! xD

fuck sincerly