Shut Up And Let Me Go

One Too Many

I watched Gerard fool around with Ray, Bob, and of course, Frank. They were pushing each other around, screaming, and laughing really loud. I got shoved a few times, and no apologies. Figures. I looked a amused the whole time, I was even, I never saw them act this way before. I was haning around ray the whole time, since he was the only one who wasn't running around in circles trying to prove something like...Frank. What the hell was he doing? Is he drunk? I looked away, noticing those to strange figures, I had no clue who they were. And I became suspicous. Does Gerard know them? Were the supposed to be here? Are they trying to ruin the party? While all these thoughts and questions went threw my head, somthing splashed on me, and I yelped, a high pitched screeching yelp. It was freezing. I looked at Ray, he was drenched in the mysterious substance. I looked a Frank, laughing his ass off with a now empty cup. I smelt what he dumped on me. Beer. What the fuck? He was drunk.

''Frank!'' I complained. He saw what he have done and apologised quickly. I was seriously pissed. I looked at Ray, wondering if he was mad too. He was laughing, but deep down inside he was mad. I knew it. His smile didn't reach his eyes, but his eyes were filled with anger.

Two hands grabbed a hold of me and dragged me up these spiral stairs.

''I'm so sorry, babe. I shouldn't have let him drink that much.'' Gerard said. I examined him, wondering if he might have something to do with anything. His hair was a mess, obviously from the fun he had, a couple of splashes of beer on him himself, dialated pupils, and a cup full of beer. He was drunk....too. ''God damn it, Gerard!'' I yelled, meanting for it to be inside my head only.

''What?'' He asked totally not suspicous.

''Your, your drunk!'' I yelled again.

''No I'm not.'' He disagreed.

''Gerard; yea, you are.'' I paused I realized his rocking back and fourth motion. I immediatly forced his hand off of me. ''Don't lie. You know the truth. How may did you drink?''

''2 or 3.'' He guessed. I rolled my eyes. ''I'm sorry. It's a party, and I tend to drink alot at partys.''

''Gerard...'' I began not knowing what to say next. ''I. I-i don't know why you do this to yourself.''

He just looked up at me, ashamed. I noticed his eyes, apologetic.

''I-I'm sorry. This was supposed to night ever! And I ruined it. I'm so so sorry. I never meant too. If you hate me now I understand, it's fine if you don't want to be around me.'' He mumbled.

''Gerard.'' I stopped him. ''I don't hate you, nor will I ever. Don't you understand this? It's fine if you drink at partys, but not that much that'll get you drunk!''

''I know, and I'm sorry. You wanna leave? For an hour or so. I'll get things bac together. I'll get rid of the alcoholic drinks, if that's what you want. You just need to, to..'' He said, forgetting what to say next. ''You can't see me like this. I'm sorry.''

''I don't want to leave.'' I admitted.

''Why not?''

''It's our party.''

''How about for a half an hour? At least until I get things normal, and give us...especially Frank some time to calm down.'' Gerard decided.

''20 minutes, no longer.'' I pushed.

''Fine.'' He hissed. ''I love you. Forever and ever, and I'm..sorry.'' He kissed me lightly. And I left. Wondering what to do now. Wondering what my surprise was. Wondering what would happen next.
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So sorry. the surprise. Next chapter.


