Shut Up And Let Me Go

"I have an idea." He finally spoke.

He back out and drove. We sat in silence. I wanted badly to talk about something because I couldn't stand the quiet. But nothing came to mind. So I reached over, pushed a button, and the radio turned on. It wasn't a song I recognized, but I liked the beat so I tapped my foot along. I glanced a Gerard, and I guess he knew I look at him because he smile slightly. I smiled to myself.

The song ended and the people on radio started talking, so I turned it off. I immediately got bored and annoyed of the silence again. I decided to wreck the silence.

"So..." I started.

"So...." Gerard laughed.

"What's up?" I pushed; desperately trying to start a conversation.

"Nothing much. Just that your my fiance, and I had a good time tonight." He replied.

"Yea, tonight was fun. We should do it again." I added.

"Mhm." He mumbled.

Face it. I suck at starting conversations. I can talk and add comments and all I get is a simple comment back. I pouted softly, hopefully softly enough that he didn't hear me. And just my luck, he did. Now I seem like a whiny little two-year-old. Gerard patted my leg in a comforting way, and giggled a bit.

We reached my house. Gerard pulled in the drive way and turned the car off. He just sat there with a focused stare. So, I sat there and watched, curious of what was on his mind.

"I have and idea." He finally spoke.

"What?" I asked in wonder.

"Uh.. just get a pair of clothes for tomorrow, then I'll show you." He explained. 'Oook' I thought to myself. I gave him a confused look, then opened the car door, and climbed out. Gerard followed.

We entered the house, and noticed my mom and dad sitting on the couch watching TV. We said "Hi." in unison, and my mom and dad said "Hi." back. I started upstairs.

Making sure I grabbed what I needed, I made my way back downstairs.

"Well, we'll see you tomorrow. Promise I'll bring her back in one piece." Joked Gerard. We all let out a giggle.

"You told them already?" I whispered to him?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm back! I'm finally writing again.
and come to think about it I don't even know why I stopped writing in the first place.

Hope you loved it :]
cupcakes to everyone who's reading this again, and to all my new readers <3