Shut Your Mouth and Get Down on the Floor

...Don't You Know That We're All ***s?

We talked about anything and everything. He showed me videos of Cobra Starship, and let me listen to songs. We talked about our lives, where we grew up, our siblings. It was just nice to hang out with him.

Then he brought out a movie and popped it into his DVD player.

“What’s this?”

“A video of the last Midtown show,” he smiled.

“Nuh-uh!” I cried, excited.

“Yeah,” his face got red and he turned around.

That night four years ago…I couldn’t lie and say it wasn’t still amazing and vivid in my memory. It was like a terrible thing I’d done, it always followed me, not to say that night was terrible. I’d never been that happy in my life.

When the movie came on, I smiled wide. He sat back down next to me. It took me back to that night, so long ago, that amazing night.

I couldn’t help but notice how rigid he got when ‘Empty Like the Ocean’ started.

“You alright,” I asked, grabbing his arm.

He turned all around to face me on the couch. His eyes were full of pain.

“He treats you right?” he asked.

“What? Devin?”

He nodded.

“I wouldn’t be with him if he didn’t treat me right, Gabe.”

He smiled. “I know that.”

“Well then what do you mean?”

He just kept looking at me.

“There’s something you’re not telling me.”

I looked at him, he was frowning.

“What?” I smiled.

“I just think…”

“You don’t like him,” I sighed and looked away.

It was getting late, I should’ve gone home. But it was still raining, still bitter cold. He wanted me here, wanted me safe. And he wanted to keep me warm, I’d seen it in his eyes…

“No, I mean, you chose him. I guess he really must be a great guy then,” I looked back at Gabe, he was still frowning. He ran a hand through his hair and forced a smile. “I just think…you deserve so much more…” he muttered, inching a hand on top of mine, making me shiver.


“Does he still make you shiver when he touches you?” I saw the slight smirk on his face and I pulled away.

“Gabe, I…”

“Does he make you breathless when he looks at you?”

I didn’t say anything.

“Does he search for you, for so long, after a night full of just lust and teen hormones?”

“But it’s different…”

He pressed a finger to my lips, and I backed away a bit. “I don’t think it is.”

“We were…we were…”

“We were nothing? Then why are we right here right now, Millie, tell me.”

“Because I…”

His eyes brightened fast. “I could give you so much more,” he whispered. “I’d give you all of me, if you’d have me. Because you what, what?”

“Because…Gabe Saporta, I never forgot about you,” I muttered.

A frown came upon his face again but almost instantly I could feel those cool lips against mine, making me so weak and so vulnerable.

His fingers quickly undid my shirt as soon as he’d pushed me down on the couch.

"Gabe..." I sighed, feeling his hands work their magic against my skin.

“Baby you’ll see what you’ve missed,” he whispered against my ear and started to nibble against my neck, working his way down.

I couldn’t stop this, because I wanted it so much it hurt.

My hands slid up his shirt, feeling that amazing warm skin, and I wanted him. I needed him.

He hungrily kissed me, his tongue sliding all around my mouth, my moans echoing in my throat.

Gabe’s hands grabbed my hips and pressed them to his. He ground his hips into mine, causing me to moan and cry out so loud he had to quiet me.

“Save it for the right time, darling,” he mumbled, his tongue playfully running along my ear.

And that time came soon enough. In a matter of moments the sounds of some extremely hot sex were filling the dim room of his apartment.

"Oh Gabe, right there, yes...mmm..."

"Just a little bit more baby, just a little bit more," he muttered, and bit my neck, making me scream.


"God, you feel amazing..."

I crashed my hips to his, wanting him in as deep as he'd go. I felt like such a whore, moaning and begging for just anything more. He was so fast and rough and God, such an expert.

"Who's your daddy?" he whispered, voice filled with lust, lips wet against my ear.

I was almost finding it hard to keep up with him. Just everything about him...ah so amazing.

"Gabe...oh God I'm gonna..."

"A few more seconds baby, you can do it."

"Nnngh..n-no, I can't," I breathed harshly.

In a split second we both let out loud moans and I felt the rush escape me, his rush entering me.

His sweat-soaked, gorgeous body fell on top of mine with a grunt. Clumsily-his hands were shaking, but I'd remembered his clumsiness from before-he flipped us over and held me to his chest.

The fast pace of his heart and soft gentle kisses on the top of my head made me fall asleep, so drained and exhausted.

But as I fell asleep against the terribly perfect, gorgeous man that was Gabe Saporta, I couldn't help but think that still, me and him could never be...

Could this just be a nightmare?
♠ ♠ ♠
who saw that coming?
/everyone raises hands.
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