Shut Your Mouth and Get Down on the Floor

Give It Up

I couldn’t go home, not yet at least.

My mom would know, she’d see the sex hair and I’d be treated like a little three year old for the last two weeks I had in New Brunswick. And I was planning on having some fun before I went off to college.

Photography up at NYU, yeah…I’d gotten a full ride scholarship. You seen my family? My older brother was in jail, my dad was a drunk, I was the only non-failure in the family.

I was tired and jittery and disoriented.

I called for a cab and before my mind could think I told the driver to go to Vee’s house.

I stumbled up the steps of her family’s big house outside of the city and knocked on the door, only realizing then that it was seven on a Saturday morning and I would wake the whole house up.

Vee got everything. Her dad was a doctor. Yipptydoo.

I felt sick, and shook out my hair so as not to look suspicious, yearning for a shower, some sleep, or some coffee.

The taste of his skin, those pouty red lips. The way he, the way he..

I let out an annoyed groan. This was no right. Fans were not supposed to sleep with the front man. This never happened. Well, in fanfiction yes. But this was not fanfiction. ;]

After five minutes of standing awkwardly at the front door I pulled out my phone and called her.

“Do you have any idea what time it is?” her slightly high-pitched, half-asleep voice groaned into the phone.

“Yes, actually, it’s seven,” my voice was abnormally calm.

“What do you want? And where the hell did you go last night?!”

“Let me in.”


“I’m at your front door, let me in,” I repeated.

“The fuck?” she muttered. “Fine.”

Within a few seconds she opened the door just a crack. Seeing me there and not some stalker, she opened it up all the way.

Her hair was a mess, extensions still in, and her eye makeup was smeared everywhere. She had on a cami and PJ pants. She’d probably just passed out when she got home.

“Mae, you look like you’re going to throw up,” she said, pulling me inside. “What’s going on?”

“I slept with him,” I said simply, my voice still not showing any emotions or hesitations.

“Excuse me? With who?” she pulled me upstairs and into her room, closing the door behind her.

“Gabriel Eduardo Saporta,” I smiled like an idiot and plopped myself down on her bed.

Vee let out a shrill laugh. “Yeah, and I slept with Beckett.”

I just looked at her, into her dark eyes, for a few minutes until that smile because a blank expression.

“Ohmagod. You slept with Gabe Saporta. Something inside me doesn’t believe you but holy fuck!”

I smiled. “Mmm…yeah…”

My mind was slowly clearing. Of course I kept the thoughts of last night, in that room with Gabe, clear in my head, but everything else was much better now.

Except for that ripping headache… I’d never been hung-over before.

She jumped excitedly on the bed next to me. “Aren’t you like fucking excited?! You slept with like you’re pick for sexiest guy in the world!”

I shrugged.

“Well how was it?”

I smiled again. “Delicious,” I fell back against the bed.

“Lucky!” she cried. “I was stuck with tons of drunk guys just wanting to get in my pants all night,” Vee rolled her eyes.

I sighed and my smile faded. Gabe Saporta asked for my number, I hadn’t given it to him…

“So it was just…one night stand, right?” she asked, running a hand through her hair.

I shivered. “Yeah, mhm.”

“Was he gone when you woke up?”

“Yeah,” it was just easier telling her this way. I didn’t want to tell her what I’d really done, I felt terrible for doing it…

“Does this change anything, at all?” she asked, slightly frowning.

“I slept with Gabe Saporta,” I muttered and then giggled. “Just add another guy to my belt.”

She smiled. “Well, if you ever wanna get in the music biz you’ve got access.”

I laughed again. “Yeah…” I sighed.

Doesn’t it make you feel better?
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yay for an update!! i plan to write another one tonight :]

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