Shut Your Mouth and Get Down on the Floor

Shut Your Mouth

As soon as we arrived in New York late that night I just crashed on my bed.

I was so exhausted and confused but I just couldn’t get to sleep.

Devin came into bed soon after.

“Babe, you okay?” he asked, wrapping his arms around me.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I sighed, burying my face in his chest. He smelt good.

“You had fun, right? I hope it wasn’t a waste of a trip.”

“No, no, it was fun.”

He looked at me with those sparkling blue eyes that I loved so much. I pushed the hair out of his face and kissed his lips quickly. He smiled.

“You know how I promised you forever?” he asked softly, smiling still.

I nodded.

“Well I want that,” he whispered, holding me tighter.

I smiled, but it was almost forced…


A week later I was out with Vee.

I loved New York in summer. It wasn’t too hot, and the nights were cool and perfect.

The two of us were sitting in Central Park, just enjoying the beautiful day.

Two little girls, probably around three or four, were picking wild flowers and bringing them back to their mom and dad, who gave them big smiles and hugs in return.

I couldn’t help but smile watching them.

Now that college was over and I had a good steady job at a photography studio, I had time to focus on other things.

Getting married, starting a family…I wanted to be a mom so badly. And being with Devin, him talking about forever, it made me smile and think things were going to happen faster than I expected.

“Jake’s been talking about us getting married,” Vee declared, her cheeks turning a deep red.

“Aww Vee that would be so great!”

She just smiled and blushed more.

“Do you want to be married to him for the rest of your life?” I asked.

Vee sighed. “See I don’t know if I’m ready for something like that. I’m not very good with commitment.”

“Well you will be, when you’ve found the right guy.”

She smiled. “Just like you and Devin?”

My face got hot. “What do you mean?”

“You and him, you’re so perfect together. He completes you. I’d expect the two of you to get married before me and Jake even think about it.”

I shrugged. “I guess I’m not ready for something big like that either.”

We sat in silence for a bit, feeling the slight breeze and hearing the laughter of those little girls.

“What about Gabe?” she asked suddenly.

“What about him?” I looked at her funny, but I couldn’t stop that tingly feeling I suddenly felt when I thought about him.

He’d given me his number, never meant I was going to call him.

Of course I’d told her all that happened at Warped.

“There’s nothing…I just met him again.”

“Do you think it’s nothing that you met him again,” she frowned.

“I don’t think some almighty being brought us together again if that’s what you’re thinking!”

She sighed. “Sorry, just asking.”

One night stand. That’s it, nothing more. Gabe Saporta and Midtown were not part of my life anymore.
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