Think of You Later


"I don't know, Carly. Why would I agree to go have a drink with some guy I don't even know? I mean, he could be a maniac for all I know. Maybe he left his wallet on the table on purpose, so he can kill me or something." Leigh said to her best friend over the phone.
"Leigh, what the hell." Carly laughed. "Why would you even think like that?!"
"I don't know. Maybe because I'm crazy, mentally?"
"Shut up, you're not." Carly said, as if she has a mouth fool of food.
"I don't know if I should go."
"Leigh, it's not like you're meeting this guy up for a date, you know?"
"I know. I just don't want people to get the wrong feeling."
"About what? Ton's of girls just go out and have drinks with friends, it's normal."
"But you see, he's not my friend. He's a complete stranger. And Jeremy's only been gone for almost a month, I'm a freaking slut."
"Leigh, stop." Carly laughed again.
"See. I am, you're laughing"
"Yeah, at how pathedic you sound. You act like you can't even have a guy friend."
Leigh paused for a moment. "I guess you're right, I mean, he offered."
"Exactly. Now go out and have fun for a change, Leigh! I'm tired of seeing you so sad, girl."
Leigh laughed. "Yeah, okay Carly. I'll call you later."
"Bye, babydoll."
"Goodbye." Leigh hung up the phone, and went down the hall of her apartment to take a shower.


Later that day, Leigh stopped by the diner, to see if William would actually meet her there. Or maybe that was just her excuse to get herself there.
She walked into the doors of the diner, and found Renae at the door.
Renae looked at her surprised. "Hey, sweetie, I thought today was your day off?"
"It is." Leigh smiled. "I'm just meeting someone here.."
"Oh, I see." Renae smiled. "A new guy?"
"No. I'm not seeing anyone."
"My bad, a friend then?"
"Well..I guess you can put it that way." Leigh said, as she looked out the doors of the diner and see William walking his way into them.

She backed away from the door, and started heading her way down an asle to the womans bathroom.
Renae watched her, with a confused look on her face, and then seen William.
"Hey, can you help me?" William asked Renae.
"Sure, honey, what can I get for you?"
"I'm looking for a girl."
"Oh," Renae laughed. "You're going to have to be more specific."
William raised his hand, and ran his hang through his hair. "Well, I know she works here..I kind of didn't ask for her name."
"Oh, I might know who you're talking about. Leigh?"
"I'm not sure.."
"I'll be right back, sweetie." Renae walked over the the restrooms, and went into the womans. "Leigh, baby are you in here?"
Leigh walked out of a stall. "Why did I have to be so dumb and actually do this?"
"Do what, Leigh?"
"Come." Leigh walked over to the sink. "Actually come here, and agree to have a drink with a complete stranger, Renae."
"Don't be like that, you'll have fun."
"Yeah, right."
"He's cute." Renae smiled. "That's a plus. And he seems very nice."
"You talked to him?" Leigh looked at Renae, confused.
"Well yes. He asked about you."
"Well because he wants to go have a drink with you, obviously."
Leigh sighed.
"And he must really want to, or else he wouldn't of made it here today."
"I guess you're right." Leigh turned around to Renae and smiled.
"Go have fun, Leigh. Then you can tell me all about it."
Leigh laughed. "Okay."

They walked out of the restroom together, and seen William standing by the door, watching a couple yell at their child.
William looked away, and seen Leigh and Renae walking his way.
He smiled. "Hi."
Leigh didn't know what to do. "Hey." she forced a small smile.
"I'll talk to you later, Leigh." Renae smiled and walked to the back of the diner.
"You ready to go?" William asked Leigh.

They walked out of the diner, and continued walking a couple buildings down, to get to the bar.
"I'm not a really big drinker." Leigh said, with a little laugh.
"Oh, neither am I." William laughed back.
He opened the door for her, and they went in and sat at a bar table, and ordered their drinks.
"You know what's stupid of me?" William asked Leigh. "I never even asked for your name."
Leigh laughed. "You're right, you didn't. Well, it's Leigh."
"Leigh." William said, smiling. "I like that name."
Leigh felt her cheeks blush, and she looked down at her drink. "Thanks."
"You do remember mine, right?"
Leigh looked back up. "Of course, William." She laughed.
William laughed back. "How come I've never seen you at the diner before?" He took a drink of his beer.
Leigh looked down again. I, um, I just started a job here up in the city."
"Oh, so you're not from the city?"
"Well, I am, but I never usually work up here." Leigh said. "It's my first time working in the city."
"Oh, I see." William nodded. "What made you decide you decide start working up here?"
Leigh looked him in the eyes. "My boyfriend...He uh..died about a month ago."
William lost his smile on his face. "I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault. He was killed by a drunk driver."
William shook his head. "I can only imagine how you felt. I'm sorry I asked."
"No, it's okay, really. It's good for me to talk about it."
"Your sure?"
"Yeah." Leigh smiled. "I'm sure."

After Leigh and William had a couple of drinks at the bar, they walked over to a coffee shop and had coffee together, and talked and talked all night. And for the first time in a month, Leigh felt herself again, until she went home, and grieved over Jeremy.
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I don't think this story is that bad so far.
let me know you YOU GUYS think.
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