The Rolling Stoners

Mr.Bright side

Ville led as Bam slowly lost all fear and nervousness, They lost track of the world, trying to remember steps and looking into each others eyes.
Jenn, who had left the dance floor at the end of the last song, wandered around the small club, keeping an eye on her friend as he danced with the unknown boy, wanting to protect them from the disgusted stares they so silently ignored.
She quickly took a seat at the bar, knowing she couldn't buy anything because of her age. She watched as a girl in a blue bandanna staggered drunkenly over to the bar stool next to her. she too, planted her eyes on Ville and Bam with a blank expression.
Much to her dismay, Jenn spoke up. "Hey! Don't stare at them!" The girl turned her head to Jenn.
"I'm not grossed out or anything. That dude dancing with that girlish looking boy is my best friend." Her voice was surprisingly sober sounding for what she looked.
Jenn leaned up against the table nervously. "Sorry, I guess I'm just a little protective. I'm Ville's 'bff'." She said making small air quotes.
Kay smiled. "Oh, Well, The boy who's dancing with Ville, His name is Bam, well, its Brandon actually, but he hits people if they call him that." She giggled.
Jenn bobbed her head as in a 'Oh, right'. She quickly stuck her hand out. "I'm Jenn by the way. I'm the local poet."
Kay laughed and took her hand. "Kay, the skater bitch. That's an inside joke." "So I take it you skate?" Jenn smiled.
"Yeppers! its a way of life! you know me when I'm skating, cause I'm the one with the bandanna. Me and Bam MADE a way of life out of it, Hes gay, but you would NEVER know it."
"Well, now that hes dancing with a guy, I would know."
Kay laughed hysterically. "So, your a poet?" "Yep, I go to coffee shops and do open word." She said twiddling her thumbs slightly.
"Cool! So your emo?" Jenn nodded. "I guess you could call it emo." Kay looked scared for a minute.
"Why so startled? You an emo-hater punk thing? "No, no, nothing like that. Is Ville the same way?" Kay stood all the way up.
"No, he says hes not emo, why?" Kay's face softened. "Its not me, its Bam, he hates emos with a passion."