The Rolling Stoners

Hey God, Its me, Jenn

Jenn fiddled with the keys at the door of the apartment, Ville hit her in the back playfully. "Come on Jenn, we've lived here since we were 16, you know the goddanmed key." "Yeah Yeah, what the fuck ever." she sneered ignoring the comment from her, obviously love drunk friend.
She finally got the key to the door after quite a few minutes of searching. The entered the brightly lit living room to find she had left the light on once again.
"I'm going to bed, don't keep me up to late OK baby brother?" She sighed yawning. Ville's eyes bugged out and his expression turned to one of disgust.
"What did you just call me?" he said defensively. Jenn looked down and sighed again, depressed sigh this time.
"Sorry, Ville, i just thought you were over that." She udder ed out, heart filling with sorrow and remorse.
"I will never get over that, everything they thought they could do to me, thank God you were there." Hot tears threatened, but he pushed them back.
"Night Jenn."
"You want me to stay up with you?"
"No, I need some time alone."
Jenn nodded. "Night Ville."
She changed quietly and promised herself a shower in the morning. As she slipped into the large bed, she began to recollect on her past.
Jenn was born to family who hated her, they abused her and beat her often. It was when they adopted Ville when she finally had a friend,
The abuse continued until They had the courage to run away, they lied about there ages so they could have a place to stay, for they were both only 17.
At school, they were outcasts, the fact they even attended High school after that surprised even them.
Jenn shook herself out of the horrible memories of her past to look out the window. The yard outside the apartment was nothing but death.
The black night contrasted the gnarled tree limbs and mossed bird bath beautifully so that it looked like a haunted fairy tale in the mind or nightmare of a young child.
She buried her head in the pillow and lifted the comforter over her head.
She was unable to sleep that night, Ville's words burned a hole in her head. She brought her hands together to pray for her friend, her brother.
"Hey God, its me, Jenn, I probably haven't been talking to you as much as I should, but I have a problem." She whispered.
"My Brother, Ville, you know him, I don't know whats wrong with him, well, I know, but if you could, make him as happy as he was tonight, that really all i want."