And Happy Endings For All

Here's the deal- read this. Comment. Tell me to continue or not.
If I get no comments of messages or whatever, I'll take the hint and won't post any more. Okay? Great, I can tell we'll get along just fine.
  1. In The Beginning
    Boy and Girl.
  2. Meet the Besties
    In which you meet the toughest judges. Ah yes, and some drama happens.
  3. At The Hospital
    I know, everybody hates hospitals. Me? I don't. Free food!
  4. Adventures
    Shopping at Wal-Mart.
  5. Meet the Fam
    In which you meet the people who know Maddie best.
  6. At Matt's House
    In which you meet Matt's mother.
  7. With The Other Family
    Meet the Marinos!
  8. With Matt
    Second to last chapter. Probably.
  9. The End.