You're the Voice Inside My Head

I Want You To Mean It

~Renae’s P.O.V~

School went by fast; now that I didn’t have to worry about David and I was with Alex. It was already going to be Halloween in a little more than a week. I had a childish urge to dress up like I used to. I didn’t know what I wanted to be yet; but I’m making Jasmine and Cristal go with me. I didn’t even realize until just now that I was sitting at the dinning room table with my parents and brother playing with my food. It was a bit awkward eating with the family; my mom thought we didn’t spend enough family time together and now makes us eat dinner together. The silence was irritating and any excuse to leave the table was wanted.

*ring ring ring*

It was the phone and I sprang up out of my seat, “I’ll get it.” I said gladly hoping it was for me.

“Hello?” I questioned waiting for a response.

“Hi baby” the voice said seductively.

I giggled realizing it was Alex, “Who you calling baby? Just kidding, you called at the perfect time. You got me out of dinner.” I stated happily.

“You sound a little too happy about that.” He chuckled a bit.

“It’s awkward family time; I like avoiding it.” I said.

“Oh I get it now, well I was wondering if you wanted to come over tomorrow after school. Jack, Rian, and Zack will be here too.” He asked.

“Hm I don’t know.” I said jokingly.

“Aw don’t tease me, makes me want you more. I won’t be able to wait until school if you keep teasing me.” He playfully whined.

“Ha ha I was just kidding; yeah I’ll go to your house. I’ll just ask my dad but I know he won’t care.” I was smiling now.

“YAY!” Alex sounded like a five year old who just got a new big wheel.

“I have to go back to dinner now or I won’t hear the end of it from my mom.” I sighed.

“Baby the time I don’t get to talk to you I swear will be the death of me.” He whined again.

I giggled, “I’ll see you tomorrow Alex.” I said.

“…I love you.” I heard him whisper.

I paused as my heart skipped a beat, “I love you too Alex.” I hung up.

I walked back into the dinning room trying to act as calm and normal as I could. I haven’t told my parents I’m dating Alex yet. I hope they don’t give me a big sex talk; that’d be completely awkward.

Dinner was done and everyone including my parents took off for the living room. I was stuck doing the dishes and picking up the table. I hate doing the dishes but at least I’ve survived another awkward meal. I heard my mother rambling on about some party to someone on the phone. She talked rather loud which bugged me at times.

“Renae, its Cristal.” My mom called to me as she started walking into the kitchen.

I dried my hands off and grabbed the phone and walked upstairs to go in my room. “Hello?” I asked.

“Renae! I missed you! You didn’t answer when I called earlier today.” Cristal pouted.

“Sorry I must have been on the phone with Alex.” I giggled.

“Should of known.” She snapped jokingly.

“I’m going to his house after school tomorrow with Jack, Zack, and Rian.” I told her.

“…Sounds like you’re going to have fun.” She started laughing.

“Oh shut up Cristal! I’m not doing anything of the sort. You dirty little bird, with your dirty thoughts.” I snapped, jokingly.

“Ha ha you’re sure one to talk. I think all of us should make Halloween plans.” She suggested.

“So…yeah I think we should that’d be cool, but if I dress up I’m making you and Jasmine too.” I told her.

“Alright!” she sounded hyper now, “let’s be fairies or…teletubbies!”

I laughed a lot then got serious, “there’s no way I’m dressing up as a teletubby! Ha ha lets be wangsters!” I laughed more.

“Aw you party pooper, ha we’d be rad as gangsters.” She giggled.

“Yay so it’s decided, without Jasmine ha, well I’ll just tell her.” I giggled, “Me has to go now I’m getting sleepy. Night I love you Cristal tehe.” I yawned.
“Aw well okay I’ll talk to you later than, you have to tell me what happens at Alex’s house when you get home tomorrow, I love you too Renae hehe.” She hung up.

I brought myself downstairs and hung the phone up. I said goodnight to my parents and brother then dragged myself back upstairs to my bedroom. I shut the door behind me, fell down on my bed, and then drifted into dream mode before I knew it.

I felt something walking on me but I couldn’t tell if I was still dreaming or not; so I decided to open my eyes. I saw my cat being a pain trying to lie on my stomach. I twisted under my sheets which caused her to run away. I got up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I got dressed with a little more care then normally because I haven’t been to Alex’s before and I wanted to look a bit better than normal. I struggled to find something in my closet. I found something that I just had to wear, it wasn’t really all that special but it would do just fine.

I got my school bad together and threw it over my shoulder and headed down the stairs. I ignored the fact breakfast was waiting for me as I always did.

“Mom c’mon I’m ready to leave!” I whined to her. This had to be marked down as the first time I begged my mom to hurry up to bring me to school.

“Alright already! I’m coming.” She said.

She dropped me off on the front steps of the school and I saw The Butcher standing alone so I got out of the car and ran up to him.

“Butcher!” I yelled to him.

He turned his head with a smile, “Hey Renae.”

“You looked lonely.” I made a sad face.

“Yeah I was, that’s what I get for getting here early though. But you’re here so at least I have someone to talk to.” He smiled.

“I’m sleepy and I want school to be over.” I complained.

“You doing something after school?” he asked.

“I’m going to Alex’s house with Jack, Zack, and Rian.” I couldn’t tell if he was wondering because I wanted school to be over or if for some reason he wanted to hang out.

“Oh, well that’s cool. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t” He winked.

I giggled, “Well that’s not a lot.” I joked.

People started arriving to school about fifteen minuets later and then school started. It seemed to go by extremely slow. Maybe it was just me who thought so, but I doubt it. Nothing really happened during the day except Jack throwing things at the teacher and getting in trouble.

After school I don’t think I even bothered walking outside to freedom. More like I ran through the hallways anxious for the outside. I nearly ran over this little girl. When I got outside I saw Alex and I ran up and hugged him tightly.

“Someone seems happy.” He sounded pleased.

“More like horny.” Jack made everyone laugh.

“Jack shut up.” I scowled.

I tried running after him but Alex held on too tight. “Jasmine your boyfriend is mean.” I pouted. “Make him stop picking on me.”

“Stop picking on the horny teenager Jack.” Jasmine teased.

“You suck.” I stuck my tongue out at her.

“Only Jack would know the answer to that hopefully.” Sisky teased, everyone laughed.

“Can we go to your house now?” I asked Alex.

“Someone’s getting lucky.” Sisky said.

“We’re not doing anything like that you guys. You’re all such perverts.” I laughed.

“Well we have to wait for Zack’s mom. She’s giving us a ride to my house.” Alex said.

“Eep you never told me that!” I said.

“Sorry, I guess I didn’t give it much thought.” He claimed.

“Well she’s going to hate me. Or think I’m a whore or something.” I sadly said.

“No she won’t, she’s nice ha ha.” Zack said, “She’ll like you even more if you say hi to her.”

“Ha ha I guess I get nervous around peoples parents.” I said.

It took Zack’s mom about ten minuets to get to the school. We piled in the car, Zack sat in front next to his mom then Rian next to him, Alex sat in the back and made me sit next to him, then Jack sat on me more than the seat.

“Hi Zack’s mom.” I tried hiding my nervousness with a smile.

Zack turned around and smiled, “hello.” Jack’s mom said.

The rest of the ride to Alex’s was quiet mostly besides the tickle fights Alex and I shared that contained laughter. The car came to a stop and I didn’t even notice that we were in Alex’s driveway. We all got out of the car and I said thanks for the ride to Zack’s mom and she seemed happy and said it wasn’t a problem.

Alex grabbed my hand and walked me to his house. Alex gave me a tour of his house while the guys went in the garage. The garage was big and looked like the guys usually hung out in it. I looked around and realized Jack wasn’t in the garage.

“Where’s Jack?” I questioned.

Just then I heard Jack yell from outside, “guys come out here!”

“He’s crazy it’s freaking cold out there.” I pouted but went outside anyways.

When we all got outside we were lured to Alex’s backyard. Jack was in swimming shorts and shirtless standing in a kiddie pool filled with brown stuff.

“…what the hell.” I said out loud.

“It’s chocolate syrup!” Jack yelled then started rolling around in it.

Everyone burst out laughing at his funny childish actions. “My mom will kill you Jack if you don’t clean that up before she gets here.” Alex said.

I took it that Jack might be slightly afraid of Alex’s mom or at least didn’t want to get yelled at and picked up the mess quickly and cleaned out the kiddie pool.

“I’m freezing and I’m going back inside.” I said.

“Baby don’t go.” Alex whined playfully and ran after me.

I ran away and ran into his room and jumped on his bed. He was right behind me, “just where I always pictured you.” He joked.

“Why do you have a kiddie pool?” I teased; he ran over and jumped over me on the bed.

I giggled because he started poking me. Then he kissed the top of my nose which made me blush.

“I love you.” I smiled and looked away.

“I love you too.” He took my face with his hand gently then turned my face towards his and kissed me.

“Ew get a room!” Rian yelled at us and I threw a pillow at him.

“Alex your mom’s home!” Jack ran into his room looking suspicious because he didn’t want to get in trouble about the kiddie pool.

“Aw that means Renae has to go home.” He made a pouting face and hugged me tightly, “I’m not letting her take you home.”

“Fine by me.” I giggled and kissed him.

“I wonder if she’d let you spend the night. Only if you wanted to and the guys are sleeping over too.” He said.

“That’d be cool, I just need to ask and I’ll lie and say Jasmine’s here.” I smiled.

“Let me go ask my mom.” Alex ran out of his room quick enough.

I’ve never spent the night at a boyfriend’s house before, let alone a guy’s house before. It’d be awkward for me but mostly I’d be nervous and scared to sleep.

Alex ran back in, “my mom said you could!” he was excited.

I took the phone and called my mom and asked and lied saying Jasmine was here and she told me not to do anything unreasonable and to behave and said it was fine.

“She said it was fine.” I smiled nervously.

Alex hugged me then Jack said “bear hug” and everyone joined in. Tonight was going to be scary.

All we mostly did was watch movies, play games, talk, and Alex and I got told to stop playing with each other which was funny. We ate dinner which was scary for me because I had to meet his parents. When it was time for us to go to bed his mom said I had to sleep in the living room but Alex snuck me into his room and into his bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
took me awhile to update sorry.
i know it sucks oh well.
comment plz.