You're the Voice Inside My Head

Remember Me

School had ended and I was going to make sure I found Jasmine before Jack saw either of us. I went outside to find Jasmine; there she was just standing out in the open. I ran up to her, grabbed her arm and told her we needed to go find Cristal. We ran around the back of the school so no one would see us.

“Jasmine let me see your cell so I can text Jack and say we’re going to be a bit late” she handed me her cell.

‘Hey Jack its Jasmine; Renae and I are going to be a little late. Also could we bring our friend Cristal along?’

We walked into the school in search of Cristal; there she was talking to Will. This is truly a hallmark moment.

“Jasmine, looks like Cristal got the nerves to talk to Will, or maybe he talked to her” I rambled on.

“Maybe we should leave her be, we wouldn’t want to ruin her moment, we can just text her.”

“Okay, but what about Jack and Alex?” I questioned

“Looks like it’s just you and me pal” she smirked. I didn’t like where this was going, not one bit.

Jasmine and I took a short cut to my house we both hurried up and took showers and got ready to go hang out with the guys. I threw on my black ripped up skinny jeans on, a Nirvana t-shirt, and a pair of black flats. Jasmine threw on her white and black checkered skinny jeans with her Volcom white and black shirt with checkered vans. We looked pretty good for my say. We also threw on some eyeliner.

“Jasmine text Cristal and tell her to meet us at the school; oh and tell her to look hot” I said

“Okay dokey” Jasmine responded. “Oh um Jack texted back” she said.

“Well what’d he say?!” I asked

‘that’s okay I’ll be here waiting, sure bring your friend :] the more the merrier, oh and I hope you guys don’t mind Alex, Rian, and Zack hanging out with us.’

“Jasmine, life couldn’t get worse for me” I sobbed

“Cheer up bucko; this might be for the best. You look awesome just calm your hormones around Alex” she winked

I threw my pillow at her. “C’mon Jazz we better start walking up to the school”

We started walking up to the school when we saw Cristal with Will and four other guys I didn’t know. If I’m not seeing things is she getting a piggy back ride from him?!

“Renae! Jasmine!” Cristal yelled from the other side of the street her waving her arms about.

Jasmine and I yelled in unison “Cristal!” we started waving like a couple of freaks just because it’s fun.

“Cristal did you get Jasmine’s text?” I said curiously

“…Oh yeah I did” she got off Will’s back and walked closer to us. We pulled each other into a big hug. “I tried to dress ‘hot’ like you said” she giggled striking a model pose.

“Gorgeous!” Jasmine and I said.

“So do you think Jack would mind if you brought along five extra people?” she said pointing at William and the others.

“No I don’t think so, anyways we’re going to be joined by Zack, Rian, and Alex.” I sighed.

Cristal whispered “Oh Alex…looks like your going to have your chance!”

I smiled a little just the thought of his name made my day brighter. “Well let’s just head up to the school; don’t want to keep them waiting for much longer” I said

We all walked up the hill to our school. We hated that place more then anything. It was fine as long as there so no homework involved. We kind of walked up the hill in pairs; I was by Jasmine, William and Cristal, then the other guys I haven’t learned their names yet.

As we got to the top of the hill I saw Jack, Alex, and the two other guys who I’m guessing were Zack and Rian. My stomach turned into knots when I saw Alex. Damn why do I have to do this to myself. I wanted to turn around and run home. I need to just calm down and be myself. Hopefully I’ll be able to talk to Alex when this is all over with.

“Hey Renae!” Jack said as he ran over to me and hugged me. It felt weird being this close to him and everyone was staring.

“Hi Jack, this is Jasmine, this is Cristal, this is Will, and…I’m sorry I don’t know the others names” I said introducing him to everyone. The others said their names, which made it easier for me since I didn’t even know before.

“Well these are my best friends Alex, Zack, and Rian” Jack said. I could tell this wasn’t going to be easy from here on.

“Hi Renae” they said in unison. I blushed slightly as Alex said that.

“Instead of going to my house let’s go swing!” Jack said as he stood there jumping around. We all looked at each other.

“Alright.” we all said as we followed Jack to the swings.

When we got to the swing set there wasn’t enough swings so people just started piling on each other. Will pulled Cristal on his lap, Zack sat on Rian, the four other guys who hang out with Will sat by two’s, then Jack sat down looking like he was waiting for someone to sit on his lap. I ran to the last swing and Jasmine quickly sat on me; we didn’t want to have to sit on either Alex’s or Jack’s lap seeing how we like them.

Alex went to go sit on Jack’s lap but Jack pushed him off saying “no means no Alex! I want Jasmine to have the pleasure of my lap.” Jasmine couldn’t stop smiling at me she tried to hide her giggles.

She whispered “what am I going to do?” I pushed her off my lap then stood up on the swing. She looked up at me with her ‘I’m going to murder you’ face; all I could do was laugh.

“Oh Jasmine come sit on me! My laps free” Jack said. Alex pulled Jasmine over to Jack.

“You know you want him” Alex winked at her laughing.

Oh god why did I do that? Now Alex doesn’t have anywhere to sit; but with me. I’ll just get up and sit on the ground. I jumped off the swing as Alex watched me; I could feel other eyes watching as well.

“Um you could sit on my lap; if you want to” He said to me as he smirked. How could this be happening to me?!

“She’d love to, trust me!” Jasmine and Cristal said both laughing historically. I glared at them evilly.

“C’mon Jasmine and Cristal said there selves you know you want to” he gave me the puppy dog pout as some call it. Oh how could I deny such a look from such an attractable individual; I guess my hormones got the best of me. I walked closer to him as he pulled me on his lap.

I just continued sitting on Alex’s lap swaying in the windy breeze. I knew Jasmine and Cristal we’re in heaven, as was I. I couldn’t believe it here I was sitting on Alex Gaskarth’s lap. Life couldn’t be better for me right now; it was unbelievable how happy we all were, or seemed to be. I wonder if this means anything to Alex or if he’s just a big flirt with anything that moves.
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