You're the Voice Inside My Head

Time Stands Still

Today’s already Friday; it’s as if this week flew by me. I guess I haven’t given it much thought; I’ve been busy lately. All week Cristal, Jasmine, and I have been spending what seems like every chance we get with Jack, Alex, Zack, Rian, Will, Sisky, Mike C, Chizzy, and The Butcher. I would of never thought we’d be friends with all these guys; especially these ones. We’ve come to know each other a lot better which is awesome.

Now it’s 7:00am and I have to start heading out for school. At school I met up with Jasmine; like we do every morning. Everyone was acting really odd running all over school.

“Why is everyone running like maniacs?” I asked.

“Hm…well maybe because there’s going to be this huge party tomorrow night” she said.

“First I’ve heard of it. Who’s throwing it?” I asked.

“They’re putting up fliers all over school and handing them out; kind of last minute. But Stephanie Richman is hosting it; well at her house. Anyone and everyone is invited. Mostly everyone’s going because it’s a Saturday night and theres beer.” She said with a smirk on her face.

“Should have known there’d be beer involved; no one in high school passes up the chance for free beer.” I said a bit annoyed. “But why is everyone running like maniacs?” I asked again.

“I guess to ask people to go with them” she said.

The bell rang so everyone hurried off to class. I was rather excited for tomorrow night. I wonder if someone will ask me; probably not. I doubt I’ll even get to slow dance with anyone. I sighed, why can’t I just tell Alex I like him; I’m so nervous though. I’ll wait a bit longer before I actually tell him; try to get more signs from him first.

At the end of school the usual ‘gang’ met up outside. Everyone was smiling well I on the other hand drew a fake smile to my lips to avoid being questioned.

“So hows about we all chill at Stephanie’s place tomorrow night?” Zack suggested. Everyone shook their heads in agreement.

Cristal pulled Jasmine and me away from everyone else and whispered “Will asked me to go with him! Like dance with him there and stuff.”

Still whispering I said “oh my god that’s wonderful!” that made her smile.

“You’re so lucky! So are two dating?” Jasmine questioned.

Cristal giggled and said “no, but I think he likes me. I mean he wouldn’t spend so much time with me or ask me to dance with him for nothing right?” Jasmine and I just smiled.

“So has anyone asked you guys to the party? Well to dance with them?” Cristal said.

Jasmine and I sighed and shook our heads no.

“Aw don’t worry someone’s bound to ask you guys” Cristal said trying to make us stop being so gloomy.

Just then Jack came running up to me and pulled me away from Cristal and Jasmine. This is awkward…

Jack whispered “hey um does Jasmine have anyone dancing with her tomorrow night?” I knew he’d asked this sooner or later I could feel their eager love for each other.

“Nope. Not at all; she’s 100% single and without a dancing partner.” I said smiling.

“Awesome! Do you think she’d go with me if I asked her?” he looked worried.

“Don’t worry about it; without a doubt she’d say yes defiantly.” I said smiling yet again.

Jack didn’t even say another word he just right up to Jasmine “Want to dance with me tomorrow night?” with a smirk on his face.

I could see her cheeks blush extremely. “Y-yes. I’d love to.” Just as she got her words out he embraced her tightly and ran off saying he’d text her later.

Now Jasmine was going with Jack, Cristal was going with Will, Rian already had a girlfriend, and I’m assuming the others already asked someone. I knew it’d come to this I was left alone; I’m going to try to not let it bother me though. Maybe someone from the party will ask me; he’d probably be drunk with his mind in the gutter, where he could keep it.

Tonight Cristal and Jasmine are coming to my house to spend the night so we can get ready for the party together. We left the guys and headed towards my house. When we got to my house we just started talking and drinking soda with junk food, we were a tad hyper. When Cristal and Jasmine fell asleep I just laid in my bed staring at the ceiling until I feel asleep. Tomorrow is going to be a big day…
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Stephanie Richman is a made up character, I don't even know anyone with that name.

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