You're the Voice Inside My Head

I Can Keep A Secret If You Can Keep Me Guessing

I woke up to the sound of Cristal and Jasmine giggling. For some reason I could smell cool whip; I felt a little tickle on my face; might I add I’m very ticklish. I knew what was coming so I flung my hand next to me and I opened my eyes; I got Jasmine right in the face with cool whip. Cristal fell over laughing and I just laughed.

“You deserve that! That’s what you get trying to trick me.” I said.

“Cristal said you’d fall for it” Jasmine said pouting trying to clean off her face.

Before Jasmine got it all off her face I grabbed some and threw it at Cristal. We all started laughing.

“We should start getting ready it’s already 3:00pm you bum” Jasmine said sticking her tongue out at me.

“It’s not my fault! I was having a good dream.” I said smiling.

Cristal and Jasmine both said picking on me “about Alex I’m assuming?”

All I could do was blush; but yeah so what if my dream had him in it? “When is the party anyways?” I asked.

“6pm so we have 3 hours, we need to get ready!” Cristal said pulling me off my bed to the floor.

“Ow! Meany head” I said sticking out my tongue. I got up quickly and started to run away then Jasmine jumped on my back.

“I got her!” she screamed.

“Get off me! We need to get ready! Well you guys have to look hot! At least you got dates.” I said.

“Oh don’t be like that Renae, someone will ask you I’m sure” Cristal said punching my arm.

I just sighed; Jasmine got on her new red and black tiger stripped skinny jeans with her ‘Love Is Movement’ shirt, Cristal slipped on her black skinny jeans with her aqua blue Sponge Bob shirt, and for me I put on my purple skinny jeans with my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt. We all go on black flats and put on eyeliner. After that we all just started fooling around. Like for example we went outside and got on my roof and threw gummy worms at the passing people and cars.

A little after 5 we were walking around town and I fell purposely on the sidewalk and started screaming “help I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” that made us all laugh. People stared which made it that more entertaining to us. After I got up Jasmine started dancing like a freak while cars drove by and Cristal and I waved. Then Cristal started screaming at this little boy who was riding his tricycle; the boy started crying and ran away forgetting his bike. Therefore Cristal got on the tricycle and started peddling away until we saw the little boy coming back with an adult so you could say we ran our asses home laughing.

When we got back to my house it was about 5:50pm so we had to hurry up. We did one last hair and eyeliner check before leaving my house. William and Jack surprised us as we got outside my house. There they were in my drive way waiting for Jasmine and Cristal. I couldn’t help but feel alone but there was nothing I could do to help it.

“C’mon Cristal I’ll give you a ride to Stephanie’s; the guys are already there.” Will said as him and Cristal got in his car.

“I’ll drive you if you want Jasmine” Jack said.

“Well…what about-“ Jasmine was cut off by Jack.

“Oh don’t worry I’ll bring Renae too.” He said smiling.

We got in his car and I was sitting in the back with none other than Alex. Talk about awkward moments. I tried as hard as I could not to look in Alex’s direction but I had to just have a quick look. As I slightly turned my head I saw him looking at me, I quickly turned towards the window, I knew I was blushing. I felt as if someone was staring at me; I was thinking it might be Alex, but why? I turned my head yet again to see Alex’s face looking back at mine though this time he had a smirk upon his face. This was rather awkward if I do say.

We pulled up into Stephanie’s driveway around 6:10pm. Everyone got out of the car and I ran away to go find Cristal. When I made my way past all the drunken teens I got inside. I ran into The Butcher, literally.

“Whoa…didn’t think I’d run into you like this” he said laughing.

“Sorry…um have you seen Cristal?” I asked.

He just started laughing then he pointed upstairs “looks like her and Will are getting it on, they headed up there not too long ago.”

“Great Cristal is upstairs getting freaky when I need her!” when I said that The Butcher laughed.

I walked off to go sit on the couch; this was odd I just had a moment in the car with Alex. Or was I imagining this? Jasmine came over and sat on the couch next to me.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Well…I think back in the car I shared a moment with Alex! It was strange I felt him looking at me and he really was I knew I was blushing that’s why I ran off to find Cristal and tell her.” I said. Next thing I knew a slow song came on and suddenly the living turned into everyone slow dancing.

“Sorry…” Jasmine said as she got up and started to dance with Jack.

I saw Cristal and Will dancing too. Here I was sitting on a couch watching everyone with envy. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder; I turned around and it was none other than Alex. “What is going on” I said to myself.

“Can I have this dance?” Alex said with a seductive smile.
I could tell I was blushing more by the second. “Y-you may…” with me saying that extended his arm pulling me up off the couch.

We started to sway left and right to the music; this was by far the perfect moment. I could feel him bring me closer to his body as our hips were touching. I rested my head on his shoulder with a smile. I didn’t think it was any more possible for me to fall more deeply in love with this man. But right now I’ve proven myself wrong.

When the song ended I could tell you right now I didn’t want to let go; but I did or that’d be awkward. Once our bodies separated as they were before I couldn’t stop smiling and staring into his eyes. Everyone was done dancing but I couldn’t help but stay frozen as we stared at each other. He leaned closer to my face; our faces were the perfect match, his soft lips landed on mine. We broke apart and I could tell you I was eager for more. I just stood there blushing; I gave him one last smile before I turned away to go get a drink.

“Renae!” I heard two voices screaming.

I turned around to see Cristal and Jasmine looking like a couple of over excited teens. I giggled “yes?”

“You and…and…Alex…you freakin kissed!” Jasmine struggled to say.

“Not only that you slow danced!” Cristal yelled.

All I could go was blush and giggle more “I know! I didn’t expect either of them to happen but they did!” I screamed like a little girl.

“So you’ve finally noticed that he likes you? Are you guys like dating?” Jasmine said.

“Well if he didn’t like me that’d be extremely confusing and no we’re not dating. So anyways how are you two? Did anything exciting happen besides slow dancing with your lovers” I winked.

Cristal went first, she started laughing hysterically then said “well we went upstairs and did a little number if you know what I mean” she winked at us.

“Oh my…you naughty girl. Looks like someone’s a horny teenager!” I said laughing.

“Whoa go Cristal!” Jasmine said as she laughed at my remark.

“Now your turn Jasmine” Cristal said.

“Well…Jack grabbed my booty!” she almost fell over laughing “and he asked me out! I obviously said yes!”

Cristal and I clapped for Jasmine.

“Well we should head back to your house Renae, it’s getting late and we don’t want to make your parents angry” Jasmine suggested.

We called it a night and said bye to everyone and left to my house.
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