You're the Voice Inside My Head

I'm Not Worth Your Time

~Cristal’s P.O.V~

I find it really weird I haven’t heard from Renae. I know I talked to her the other day but she didn’t call me last night and she usually always does. I really want to know what she’s doing ha ha.

“Cristal what’s worrying you?” William asked adorably.

“Well I’m just wondering why Renae didn’t call me last night.” I confessed.

“I thought she left early yesterday?” He stated.

“I didn’t know that! I was wondering why she didn’t meet us after school.” My voice turned concerned.

“I don’t know why I just heard The Butcher talking about it. How he knows I really don’t know.” He said.

“I’m worried; it’s not like her to not tell anyone why she left school early or not to call me. I wonder if she called Jasmine.” I said.

“Don’t worry I’m sure she’s fine. She’s been spending a lot of time with Alex; he’ll look after her.” He tried to comfort me.

“It’s still no excuse for her to not call thought. I don’t want to over react but it’s not like her.” I was still upset.

“I’m sure she’s at school today. Just talk to her after school.” He suggested.

“I better get to class; I’ll meet you at lunch.” I smiled and kissed him on the cheek and walked to first period.

I had my first class with Sisky which kept me from falling asleep in class. I felt something poking my shoulder from behind me. I turned to see Sisky claiming it wasn’t him.

“Stop poking me!” I whined.

“I was just wondering…what’s up with Renae? The Butcher said she left early yesterday.” He asked.

“’I have no idea what’s going on. She didn’t call me last night.” I sighed a bit.

“Sucks we have to wait until after school to see everyone else.” He said.

“Adam do you have something you would like to say?” The teacher scowled.

“No” Sisky laughed a little.

Soon enough it was time for lunch and I really didn’t want to have anymore classes. I was so ready for school to be over. I stopped at my locker and placed my binders inside and grabbed the other two I needed for my next two classes. I shut my locker and trailed off down the hall to lunch.

“Cristal over here!” Will started waving his arms in the arm which made me giggle.

I happily skipped my way over to the table surrounded by Chizzy, Mike, Sisky, The Butcher, and Will.

“Ello Cristal.” Chizzy said in his cute aussie accent.

“Hey Chizzy.” I said sitting down next to Will.

Will took my hand in his under the table. He was so cute; I looked into his seductive eyes and smiled.

“Gross get a room.” Mike joked.

“I can’t look at him without it being gross?” I questioned.

“Exactly; you guys look at each other then that leads to dirty things.” He said laughing.

I giggled then remember what I was going to ask The Butcher “Butcher how do you know what happened to Renae yesterday?”

“Oh well people were talking about it in the halls.” He confessed.

“What were they saying?” I questioned.

“That she left school early and one guy saw her with a bruise under her eye as she left.” He said looking down.

“…you’ve got to be joking. Renae never gets into fights; well fist fights.” I said.

“Who knows there are a lot of things being said. It’s best just to talk to her yourself.” He said.

“People need to shut up before I use my superpowers on their asses!” I said proudly.

“Ha ha oh yeah Cristal.” Mike teased.

Lunch was over before I even realized. At least the day seemed to be going by faster. I got up from the table and hugged Will and promised to meet them up after school. I walked to my next class which I had with Mike; I don’t think he likes me very much. He usually seems grumpy around me. I’m always trying to be nice and start a conversation with him but he doesn’t seem to care. This made my day start to go slower again.

I jolted up from my seat once the last bell rang. I was eager to see everyone and I still wanted to know what was up with Renae. I stopped at my locker to grab everything and quickly shove all my stuff in my backpack and headed outside. I looked over to our usual gathering spot and saw the guys gathered around in a circle. I quickly walked over to the crowd of people.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I heard The Butcher ask.

“I told you guys I’m fine it’s nothing but a bruise.” I recognized that voice and pushed my way to the center of the circle.

“Oh my god…” was all that escaped from my lips.

“Cristal!” Renae yelled and attacked me with a hug.

“What the hell happened to your fa-“ I stopped and saw that her hands were intertwined with Alex’s. “What happened to your face? Are you and Gaskarth dating now?” I questioned.

“Long story…that’s why I left early the other day. Sorry I didn’t call you I was busy. Yeah I’m dating Alex now.” She smiled bigger then she ever had before. It made me feel happy that she was alright and that she was finally with the guy she’s been obsessed with for the past year.

I felt arms wrap around my sides bringing me closer. I turned my head to see the most adorable boy; William. He always makes me smile even when he’s not trying.
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