I'll Always Be Waiting In The Back Room

I'm Thinking It Must Be Love

I yawned and saw that Patrick was still asleep so I took the remote from the floor and turned on the tv to Fuse and cuddled back up with Patrick while watching tv. I turned around and stared at his face, a few stray strands of hair hung across his eyes and nose in an adorable way. His lips were so soft and plump, his face had a boyish look to it that was just so cute, especially the way his lips were slightly parted as he slept on. I swept the few stray strands of hair behind his ear and gently kissed his cheek.

He smiled slightly in his sleep and I smirked before snuggling back into his chest as I continued to watch tv. A Green Day interview was playing on Fuse and I watched and contently listened to Patrick's soft breathing.

A few hours later Patrick finally woke up, it was around noon.

"Morning babe." I whispered when I saw him open his eyes and yawn then smiled down at me.

"Morning," He replied as he yawned once more.

"How long have you been up?" He asked in a whispered voice, I shrugged.

"I dunno, since about 7 am." Patrick gasped at me.

"Babe, why didn't you wake me up? I could have made you breakfast or something." He knew I couldn't cook at all, I couldn't even make cereal right. Therefore he usually made us our meals, that is, he would when we actually ate on the bus. I blushed.

"It's alright, I got to watch you sleep. You know, you're really adorable when you sleep. You make these little sounds and mumble and have the cutest face ever." I said softly as his cheeks blushed a crimson red.

"I don't understand why you like me. You could get any guy you wanted, all of which are much more good looking then me, and yet you chose me." Patrick mumbled, I shook my head and whispered looking him in the eye.

"Patrick, there is no one in the world I'd rather be with then you. You are perfect in every way possible." He shook his head.

"I love you with all my heart, I have since we were 12, but I was always much to shy to tell you. I used to always imagine what it would be like if we were going out, I'd dream about you. Your bright brown eyes, your soft, silky hair, your smooth skin, and your gorgeous face. You're way out of my league and I really don't understand what you like about me. I'm not skinny, or hott, or witty, or anything." I sighed and looked him in the eyes once more.

"Patrick, you are gorgeous to me. I love the way your hair falls in your eyes. I love your beautiful smile. I love how I get good chills when you hold me close and how you are so gentle and kind. I love the way your gorgeous greenish blue eyes glint in the light. I love your voice and how well you sing. And I could really care less about what size you are, because I love you how you are! Patrick, I love you." He looked at me as I said this and whispered back.

"I love you too." With that while gazing into each others eyes we slowly leaned in, his arms tightened around my waist as I slid my arms around his neck and our lips slowly came together in a sweet, soft kiss. His tongue slid across my bottom lip, begging for entrance as I opened my mouth and let his tongue in, side by side on the couch.

A few minutes later Pete woke up then sat up and yawned before looking around, he then jumped and began screaming at the sight of Patrick and I making out on the couch.

"Oh God!" Pete yelled as he clasped a hand over his eyes.

"Either stop or go away!!! I DO NOT want to see my little sister making out with my best friend!" Patrick and I blushed as we pulled apart.

"Alright Pete, we stopped." Patrick said, Pete then took his hand from his eyes and sat down on the other couch. Patrick and I laid cuddled up together on the couch, one arm around my waist and the other around my back, I had one arm around his waist and the other around his back. Pete kept shooting us glances then finally jumped up.

"That's it, my girlfriend is flying out to see the next show and I'm gonna have her come stay with us. Cause I want someone to hold too and I'm not holding Joe or Andy anymore! Joe keeps farting on me and Andy kicks in his sleep!!!" Pete announced as he ran to his bunk to call his girlfriend.

We smiled and blushed at each other then slowly brought our lips together again and then broke apart a minute later as Andy walked into the living room and sat where Pete had been just a little bit ago.
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Completely short, sappy, and lovey chapter. I'm not sure if I like this one too much... Oh well, hehe. I'll probably update again tomorrow... if you're lucky. ;P

Comments make me grin like an idiot, so leave some and tell me your opinions on the story. Good or bad, I don't care, I like constructive critism. =D